Animal Research Center, Tokyo Medical University | 論文
- 乳清タンパク質(WAP)を全身性に過剰発現するトランスジェニックマウスにおける乳腺の発達異常とβ-カゼインの早期発見
- Identification Procedure for Pasteurella Pneumotropica in Microbiologic Monitoring of Laboratory Animals
- Abnormal T cell activation caused by the imbalance of the IL-1/IL-1R antagonist system is responsible for the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
- Comparative Study on Isolation Calls Emitted from Hamster Pups
- Molecular Typing of Pasteurella pneumotropica Isolated from Rodents by Amplified 16S Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis and Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis
- Aberrant Development of Mammary Glands, but Precocious Expression of β-casein in Transgenic Females Ubiquitously Expressing Whey Acidic Protein Transgene
- P-09. Chromosome instability found in the primary cultured lung fibroblast cells established from spontaneously occurred cartilage calcification insufficient (CCI) rat(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- Ankylosing enthesitis associated with up-regulated IFN-γ and IL-17 production in (BXSB × NZB) F_1 male mice : a new mouse model
- 免疫不全および免疫正常マウスに対するPasteurella pneumotropicaの病原性