Aichi University of Education | 論文
- Differential Effects of Aging, Drinking and Exercise on Serum Cholesterol Levels Dependent on the PPARA-V227A Polymorphism
- 881. 古琵琶湖層群から産出した中期更新世前期の齧歯目ネズミ科の臼歯化石
- 古琵琶湖層群から産出した中期更新世前期の齧歯目ネズミ科の臼歯化石〔英文〕
- Trichloroethylene Causes Generalized Hypersensitivity Skin Disorders Complicated by Hepatitis
- 三重県の鮮新統上野累層からイノシシ科下顎骨化石の産出 (英文)
- 兵庫県の大阪層群明石累層から産出した前期更新世シカ類の角化石 (英文)
- Measurement of the Lifetimes of Charged and Neutral Beauty Hadrons : Particles and Fields
- Production of Two Single-Λ Hypernuclei by Ξ^- Capture : Particles and Fields
- Structure of neuromuscular junctions during muscle fiber degeneration and regeneration induced by bupivacaine hydrochloride.
- Working time and cardiovascular functions among engineers of electronics manufacturing companies in Korea
- Sitting posture and neck and shoulder muscle activities at different screen height settings of the visual display terminal
- The effect of a back belt on torso motion-Surveyin an express package delivery company-
- Knee Pain and its Associations with Age, Sex, Obesity, Occupation and Living Conditions in Rural Inhabitants of Japan
- An international analysis of smoking control levels in relation to health, social and economic indicators.
- Analysis of Various Factors Affecting Vibration-induced White Finger
- The Japanese Urban System from the Standpoint of Large Private Firms' Head Offices and Branch Offices, 1995
- Direct Observation of Sequential Weak Decay of a Double Hypernucleus : Nuclear Physics
- Evidence of Weak Decay of Heavy Double Hypernuclei
- 1C06 Effect of muscle activity to neuromuscular regeneration in short-term denervation
- Work-related cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases (WR-CVDs) in Korea