2nd Department of Physiology Yokohama City University School of Medicine | 論文
- Effects of Noradrenaline on GnRH-Secreting Immortalized Hypothalamic (GT1-7) Neurons
- IS-30 Electrophysiological effects of noradrenaline on GnRH neurons
- Brain Mechanisms Involved in Adaptation to the Immobilization Stress
- Effect of Electrical Stimulation of the Medial Preoptic Area on Hypothalamic Multiple Unit Activity in Relation to LH Release
- Localization and Mechanism of Stimulatory Feedback Action of Estrogen: Effect of Limbic Forebrain Implantation of Estradiol Benzoate on Advancement of Ovulation
- Cholinergic and Serotonergic Neural Links and the Inhibitory Effects of Hippocampus, Lateral Amygdala and Central Gray Matter on Gonadotropin Release
- Inhibition of Ovulation in the Rat by Electrical Stimulation of the Lateral Amygdala
- Influence of the Fornix Section on the Biosynthesis of Ovarian Steroids in the Rabbit
- LH Discharge Induced by Medial Preoptic Implantation of Estrone or Dopamine in the Ovariectomized Estradiol Primed Rat
- Stimulatory Feedback Action of Estradiol and Estrone on LH Release in the Ovariectomized Rat: Roles Different between Limbic System and Preoptic Area
- Acute and Chronic Effects of the Fornix Section on Cyclic Gonadotropin Secretion and Ovulation in the Rat
- Electrical Stimulation of the Hippocampus under the Chronic Preparation and Changes of LH, FSH and Prolactin Levels in Serum and Pituitary
- The Roles of Extrahypothalamic and Intrahypothalamic Impulses to the Medial Basal Hypothalamus in the Control of the Pituitary-Gonadal-Axis
- Effects of Ovulation-Blocking Agents upon the Limbichypothalamic Neuronal Pathways in the Rabbit Brain
- Effects of Electrical Stimulation of the Brain on Gonadotropin Secretion in Male Rats
- Effects of Hippocampal Ablation on Stress-Induced Gonadotropin Secretion: An Observation of the Sexual Difference
- Effects of Limbic Forebrain Ablation on Pituitary Gonadal Function in the Female Rat
- Positive Feedback Sites of Estrogen in the Brain on Ovulation : Possible Role of the Bed Nucleus of Stria Terminalis and the Amygdala
- A Possible Role of the Hippocampus and the Amygdala in the Androgenized Rat : Effect of Electrical or Electrochemical Stimulation of the Brain on Gonadotropin Secretion
- Electrical Stimulation of the Brain on Gonadotropin Secretion in the Female Prepuberal Rat