長崎大学第一内科 | 論文
- トロトラスト沈着症に合併した多発性骨髄腫の1例
- 神経筋接合部病態の定性・定量的評価--超微形態と組織化学 (特集 神経筋接合部--基礎から臨床まで)
- Successful treatment of chronic lupus myocarditis with prednisolone and mizoribine
- Long-term efficacy of intravenously administered immunoglobulin in a case of polymyositis with limited application of steroid therapy.
- 高齢発症重症筋無力症の標準的神経治療
- 抗GD1b抗体陽性で治療経過良好であった純粋運動型 Guillain-Barre 症候群の1例
- IL-1阻害薬 (特集 膠原病・リウマチ性疾患の治療の現状と展望) -- (生物学的製剤)
- 肝細胞癌に肝原発悪性混合腫瘍を合併した1例
- 肝癌を合併したWilson病の1剖検例
- Contribution of an adenine to guanine single nucleotide polymorphism of the matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13) -77 promoter region to the production of anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in patients with HLA-DRB1^*shared epitope-negative rheuma
- 肝内びまん性門脈-肝静脈短絡による猪瀬型肝性脳症の1例
- Reduction in serum levels of substance P in patients with rheumatoid arthritis by etanercept, a tumor necrosis factor inhibitor
- Putative IgG4-related pituitary disease with hypopituitarism and/or diabetes insipidus accompanied with elevated serum levels of IgG4
- Emergence of anti-islet autoantibodies in Japanese patients with type 1 diabetes
- First Japanese Patient Treated with Parathyroid Hormone Peptide Immunization for Refractory Hypercalcemia Caused by Metastatic Parathyroid Carcinoma
- A Long-term Follow-up of Serum Myeloperoxidase Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (MPO-ANCA) in Patients with Graves Disease Treated with Propylthiouracil
- In rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with tocilizumab, the rate of clinical disease activity index (CDAI) remission at 24 weeks is superior in those with higher titers of IgM-rheumatoid factor at baseline
- Disease activity score 28 may overestimate the remission induction of rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with tocilizumab : comparison with the remission by the clinical disease activity index
- Trajectories of anti-islet autoantibodies before development of type 1 diabetes in interferon-treated hepatitis C patients. Case reports and a literature review
- 高γグロブリン血症から長期間経過し, Sjögren症候群と全身性エリテマトーデスを発症した1例