鐘紡 | 論文
- 嚢胞を伴った腎腫瘍の1例(第122回関西地方会)
- 補中益気湯の若齢マウスにおける易感染性改善効果
- P-12 補中益気湯の拘束ストレス易感染状態における感染防御効果
- A Polysaccharide Fraction of Shosaiko-To Active in Augmentation of Natural Killer Activity by Oral Administration
- Phenolic Components from Leaf Oil of Illicium anisatum L.
- Accelerative Effect of Shikonin, Alkannin and Acetylshikonin on the Proliferation of Granulation Tissue in Rats
- Comparative Study on the Accelerative Effect of "Koushikon" and "Nanshikon" and Their Constituents on Proliferation of Granuloma Tissue in Rats
- Application of Solid Dispersions with Enteric Coating Agents to Overcome some Pharmaceutical Problems
- Physical Properties of Solid Dispersions of Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs with Enteric Coating Agents
- 腸溶性ニフェジピン固体分散体の溶解機構について
- Application of Solid Dispersions of Nifedipine with Enteric Coating Agent to Prepare a Sustained-Release Dosage Form
- Bioavailability and Stability of Nifedipine-Enteric Coating Agent Solid Dispersion
- 圧縮過程におけるマイクロカプセル壁膜の破壊
- 吸湿によるヒドロキシプロピルセルロース含有錠の崩壊延長
- ニフェジピンと腸溶性コーティング剤から成る固体分散について(第1報)溶出挙動
- 数種漢方処方の胃機能に対する薬理学的研究-1-エタノ-ルおよびアスピリンによる胃粘膜関門の破綻に対する黄連解毒湯,三黄瀉心湯,安中散および大柴胡湯の作用
- 白朮(Atractylodes rhizome)と蒼朮(Atractylodes lancea rhizome)の小腸上皮間リンパ球に対する作用の特徴に関する検討
- Synthesis and Analgesic Activity of C-Terminal Fragment Peptides of Cholecystokinin(Medicinal Chemistry,Chemical)
- Inhibitory Effects of the New Anti-platelet Agent KBT-3022 and Its Metabolite on Rabbit Neutrophil Function In Vitro
- Protective Effect of KBT - 3022, a New Cyclooxygenase Inhibitor, in Cerebral Hypoxia and Ischemia