自治医科大学地域医療学センター | 論文
- OE-286 Orthostatic Hypertension Detected by Home BP is a Risk Factor of Trace Albuminuria Even in Normoalbuminuric Patients with Morning Hypertension(OE49,Hypertension, Clinical 1 (H),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The J
- OE-122 P-wave Morphologic Characteristics Predict Cardiovascular Events in A Community-dwelling Population(OE21,ECG/Body Surface Potential Mapping/Holter 2 (A),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Soci
- FRS-069 Synergistic Impact of Morning Hypertension and Orthostatic BP Rise on Urinary Microalbuminuria(FRS14,New Aspects for Hypertension (H),Featured Research Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- Physical Activity and All-cause Mortality in Japan : The Jichi Medical School (JMS) Cohort Study
- Orthostatic Hypertension Detected by Self-Measured Home Blood Pressure Monitoring : A New Cardiovascular Risk Factor for Elderly Hypertensives
- Prevalence and Determinants of Prehypertension in a Japanese General Population : The Jichi Medical School Cohort Study
- Continued High Risk of Stroke in Treated Hypertensives in a General Population : The Jichi Medical School Cohort Study
- Effects of Strict Blood Pressure Control by a Long-Acting Calcium Channel Blocker on Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Urinary Albumin Excretion Rate in Japanese Hypertensive Patients
- PE-309 Heart Rate Variability During Sleep is a Predictor for Future Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes(Diabetes/Obesity/Metabolic syndrome(06)(H),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation S
- OE-143 Benefit of antihypertensive treatment on stroke is reduced when accompanied with diabetes in a Japanese population : The JMS Cohort Study(Hypertension, clinical(01)(H),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Ci
- 1 Role of Sympathetic Hyperactivity in the Kidney in uncontrolled Morning Hypertension with Microalbuminuria : The Japan Morning Surge-1 (JMS-1) study(Symposium 11 (SY-11) (M) Stroke and Cardiorenal Complications in Hypertension,Special Program,The 72nd A
- Dietary Patterns and Levels of Blood Pressure and Serum Lipids in a Japanese Population
- 神経調節性失神の病態解明についての研究(平成16年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告)
- JMSコホート研究の現状
- 通勤時間と動脈硬化危険因子の関連 : 健診センター受診者の解析
- Prevalence of Chlamydia pneumoniae in Japanese Rural Districts ; Association of Smoking and Physical Activity with Chlamydia pneumoniae Seropositivity
- 臨床研究・症例報告 頭位性斜頭症に対して頭蓋成形ヘルメット療法が有用であった1例
- Metabolic Syndrome Mortality in a Population-Based Cohort Study : Jichi Medical School (JMS) Cohort Study
- Comparison of C-reactive Protein Levels between Serum and Plasma Samples on Long-term Frozen Storage after a 13.8 Year Interval : The JMS Cohort Study
- PE-551 Incidence of Total Stroke, Stroke Subtype and Myocardial Infarction in Japanese Population : The JMS Cohort Study(Preventive medicine/Epidemiology/Education-3, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)