筑波大学 放射線 | 論文
- Attempt at Two-Dimensional Mapping of X-ray Fluorescence from Breast Cancer Tissue
- Imaging Properties of Fluorescent X-ray CT : Comparison Study(International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia 2009 (IFMIA 2009))
- 進行性陰茎腫瘍に対してM,B,Cとradiation therapyを併用して奏効した1例 : 第55回東部総会 : ワークショップ : 尿失禁の治療
- Site-Specific Studies on X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism at Fe K Edge for Transition-Metal Ferrites
- Characterization of Soft X-Ray Radiation from Plasma Focus Device with Gas Puff
- ピンチプラズマの挙動と荷電粒子放出
- On p-Type Doping Limits in ZuMgSSe Quaternary Semiconductors
- V3-4 進行胆嚢癌(stage IV)に対する肝区域(S4下 1/2, S5)。膵頭十二指腸合併切除と術中照射の併用(第38回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 597. 進行胆道癌に対する肝区域 (S_, S_5) 膵頭十二指腸同時切除と術中術後照射の併用(第35回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- First Application of X-ray Refraction-based Computed Tomography to a Biomedical Object(Physiology)
- Switching of Photon Helicities in the Hard X-Ray Region with a Perfect Crystal Phase Retarder
- Soft X-Ray Hot Spots Observation in an Argon Admixed Plasma Focus Experiment
- Fluorescent X-ray imaging with synchrotron radiation for the evaluation of probes for biomedical functions : A pilot study on 4-bromo-DL-phenylalanine for cancer detection in mice
- Simple X-Ray Dark- and Bright-Field Imaging Using Achromatic Laue Optics : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- X-Ray Optics 'Owl' and 'Trinity'
- A New Optics for Dark-Field Imaging in X-Ray Region 'Owl' : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- An X-Ray Trichrome Imaging 'Trinity' : Absorption, Phase-Interference and Angle-Resolved Contrast : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- Nondestructive Visual Search for Fossils in Rock Using X-Ray Interferometry Imaging
- 28a-YX-10 ガスパフ付きプラズマフォーカスによる軟X線発生