横浜市立市民病院がん検診センター | 論文
- 施設検診における超音波検診の拡大方策について
- 肝動脈化学塞栓療法後に Clostridium perfringens による敗血症から急性溶血を合併して突然死した肝細胞癌の1剖検例
- Present States and Measures of the False Negatives with Malignant Tumors on the Abdominal Ultrasonographic Mass Survey in Institutional Cancer Detection
- Study of Effective Use of Common Revenue Source for Gastric Cancer Screening in Yokohama City
- The Present State of Data Processing for Cancer Detection System in our Center and its Future prospects
- A Study on Actual Status and Prognosis of Pancreatic Carcinoma in Institutional Cancer Mass Survey by Ultrasound
- A Study on Quality Control of Gastric Cancer Screening for Personal Health Check in Clinics at Yokohama City
- The Screening Method of Gastric Radiography in our institute:How to image findings on gastric anterior wall
- On the necessity of restandardization on ultrasound mass survey of the abdomional organs:with special reference to reassessment of false negatives with malignant tumors
- Problems and Measures on the Abdominal Ultrasonographic Mass Survey in Institute Cancer Detection
- The Problems of Gastrointestinal Cancer Detection in the Aged Group
- The attendance of abdominal disorders detected by ultrasonographic screenings:from the view of institute cancer detection
- A study of characterics and prognosis of hepatocellar carcinoma on institute cancer detection
- Results of methods of Screening for colorectal cancer
- A study of gastic mass survey in the aged group
- Cyst in cyst 様構造を呈し診断に難渋した macrocystic type 漿液性嚢胞腺腫の1例
- 管腔外発育形態を示した胃Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumorの2例
- 肝紫斑病との鑑別が困難であった肝血管肉腫の1剖検例