新潟大学歯学部口腔外科学第1教室 | 論文
- Responses of neural elements in the experimentally induced carcinoma of the hamster tongue: An immunohistochemical study using antibodies to neurofilament protein(NFP) and glia-specific S-100 protein.:An immunohistochemical study using antibodies to neuro
- Effects of intralesional versus intraperitoneal administration of cisplatin on squamous cell carcinoma of mice.
- Three-dimensional analysis of face morphology by perspective transformation.
- 基底細胞母斑症候群8例および本邦における報告例の検討
- 化骨性線維腫を伴った多発性複雑性歯牙腫の1例
- Angiofibroma of the lip: report of a case.
- An analysis of the nuclear DNA content of oral lesions.
- 顎関節症患者の顎関節部の骨変化について-特に臼歯欠損との関係について-
- Bone formation in the fresh autogenous rib graft.
- Epidermoid carcinoma of the mandible associated with hypercalcemia: Report of two cases.
- Actinomyces菌体抽出多糖とC-Reactive Proteinの反応に関する研究