岐阜薬科大学 公衆衛 | 論文
- The Toxicity of Metallic Ions on the Activated Sludge and the Detoxication Effect of EDTA
- Adsorption of mutagens by humic acid.
- Mechanism of the demutagenic effect of humic acid.
- Cadmium toxicity is caused by accumulation of p53 through the down-regulation of Ube2d family genes in vitro and in vivo
- Simulation Model in Solubilization of Lime-Based Amendment and pH Increase as a Results of Interactions with Natural Water.
- Behavior of Mutagenic Aldehydes formed by Preozonation in Postchlorination.
- Antimutagenic factors in aquatic plants.
- Effects of Chinese Medicinal Plant Extracts on Mutagenicity of Trp-P-1
- Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Tetrahymena Toxicity Studies.
- Testing and Evaluation of Chemical Toxicity on Tubifex.
- Antiviral and Antitumour Activities of Some Western North American Plants with Surface Exudates (1) : Inhibitory Effects on HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase
- Antimutagenic Activity by the Medicinal Plants in Traditional Chinese Medicines
- Studies on Scavenge Effect of Metallothionein to Active Oxygens (Proceedings of the 16 th Symposium on Environmental Pollutants and Toxicology)
- Possible Methylation of Inorganic Mercury by Silicones in the Environment.