岐阜大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科学教室 | 論文
- Study on Severe Cases of Meniers's Disease
- Evaluation of Drug Effects in Medical Treatment of Peripheral Vestibular Disorders:With Special Reference to the Double-Blind Test for Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
- Behcet's disease with recurrent pharyngo-laryngeal bleeding; A case report.:A Case Report
- Study on Body Sway while Standing in Patients with Cerebellar Disturbances
- 巨大喉頭血管腫例
- 141.内耳性めまい症例の素因検査:負荷平衡機能検査を中心として
- Natural Course of Meniere's Disease
- Optokinetic nystagmus in patients with strabismus
- Surgical Treatment for Adult Patients with Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
- Diagnosis of Otolith and Semicircular Canal Lesions by Galvanic Nystagmus and Spinal Reflexes
- Therapeutic Results in Patients with Vertigo due to Circulatory Insufficiency
- Mediastinitis caused by esophagoscopy; A report of two cases.
- Postural response induced by a tilting platform
- Abnormal Optokinetic Nystagmus in Cerebellar Disturbances
- 重心動揺検査の検討,検査条件について
- Dilazep dihydrochloride - A clinical evaluation of its effect on central vertigo.:-A Clinical Evaluation of Its Effect on Central Vertigo-
- Dilazep dihydrochloride; clinical evaluation of its effect on attacks of vertigo in Meniere's disease.
- Diagnosis of cerebellar disorders
- 迷路反応喪失例の平衡機能の観察-ヒトの迷路機能に対する考察-
- 視運動眼振検査法に関する研究