岐阜大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科学教室 | 論文
- メニエール病に対する内耳部分破壊手術(臨床ノート)
- 迷路性平衡障害 (第2回,第3回山陽めまい平衡障害懇話会)
- 迷路性偏倚の解釈
- 小児における一側性心因性難聴の2症例
- Bronchial Tuberculosis in a Baby Suspected of Having Inhaled a Foreign Body.
- Dynamic characteristics of the labyrinthine righting reflexes.
- タイトル無し
- Studies on vestibulospinal reflexes by labyrinthine evoked EMG
- Diagnosis of Vertigo from the Clinical History:On Labyrinthine Vertigo
- Optokinetic Spinal Reflex in Human Subjects
- Dynamic Characteristics of the Visual-Vestibular-Cervical Oculomotor System
- The combination therapy (tranilast and alterative treatment) in nasal allergy.
- Studies on Inverted Optokinetic Nystagmus
- Cervical neurilemmomas destroying the cervical vertebrae; Two patients treated surgically.:Two Patients Treated Surgically
- Parotid Sialolithiasis in a Child.
- 中枢性平衡障害例の視運動眼振の研究
- Computed tomography in the diagnosis of central equilibrium disturbances
- Clival Chordoma; A Case Report.
- Giant Cell Tumor of the Sphenoid Sinus. A Case Report.
- Studies on the central afferents to Deiters nucleus by the WGA-HRP method