北海道大学 理研究 | 論文
- 21世紀の脳神経生物物理学のストラテジー
- Reexamination of Fine Surface Topography of Nerve Cells Revealed by Atomic Force Microscopy
- Atomic Force Microscopic Observation of Three-Dimensional Morphological Changes of Neurons When Stimulated by a Neurotransmitter
- PKA-Dependent Regulation of Synaptic Enhancement between a Buccal Motor Neuron and Its Regulatory Interneuron in Lymnaea stagnalis
- Physiological characterization of lip and tentacle nerves in Lymnaea stagnalis
- Developmental Changes in Conditioned Taste Aversion in Lymnaea stagnalis
- 3a-W-9 リボソーム膜レプリカ微細構造のSTM観察像
- P25 光第二次高調波(SHG)観測による粘土-金属錯体ハイブリッド膜の構造調査 (第44回粘土科学討論会発表論文抄録)
- P25 光二次高調波(SHG)観測による粘土 : 金属錯体ハイブリッド膜の構造調査
- Distributions of γ-Aminobutyric Acid Immunoreactive and Acetylcholinesterase-Containing Cells in the Primary Olfactory System in the Terrestrial Slug Limax marginatus(Neurobiology)
- Negative Relationship between Odor-Induced Spike Activity and Spontaneous Oscillations in the Primary Olfactory System of the Terrestrial Slug Limax marginatus(Neurobiology)
- 理系大学院生が身につけるべき科学技術コミュニケーション能力
- Surface Structures of Cultured Type 2 Astrocytes Revealed by Atomic Force Microscopy(Neurobiology)
- Imaging Elastic Properties of Soft Materials Immersed in Water Using Force Modulation Mode irn Atomic Force Mieroscopy
- Comparative Atomic Force and Scanning Electron Microscopy for Fine Structural Images of Nerve Cells
- Fine Surface Images That Reflect Cytoskeletal Structures in Cultured Glial Cells by Atomic Force Mieroseopy
- Elastic Properties of Living Fibroblasts as Imaged Using Force Modulation Mode in Atomic Force Microscopy
- 軟体動物腹足類における感覚情報処理と連合学習機構
- 軟体動物の古典的条件づけを通して見た学習・記憶の分子機構
- 典型例とは異なる緩徐な臨床経過を示し, リボソームタンパク遺伝子RPL11の変異の検出により診断した Diamond-Blackfan 貧血の1例