北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター苫小牧研究林 | 論文
- 地球温暖化と森林のCO2固定能の意義
- 林冠研究の方法と意義 (林冠研究 : 林冠へのアクセス法と生態学的な意義について)
- ブナの地理変異とブナ林の種多様性の維持機構(ブナ林生態系のダイナミクス最新の研究成果から)
- 中川地方演習林における針広混交林の推移行列を用いた動態解析
- 北方針広混交林における生物群集の動態と種多様性の維持機構の解明について
- 中川地方演習林における択伐・地表処理林分の落下種子量
- Aggressive Intergroup Encounters in Two Populations of Japanese Macaques (Macaca fuscata)
- Altitudinal and seasonal variations in the diet of Japanese macaques in Yakushima
- Acoustic Identification of Eight Species of Bat (Mammalia: Chiroptera) Inhabiting Forests of Southern Hokkaido, Japan : Potential for Conservation Monitoring
- Efficiency of Harp Trap for Capturing Bats in Boreal Broad-Leaved Forest in Japan
- Ecological function losses caused by monotonous land use induce crop raiding by wildlife on the island of Yakushima, southern Japan
- Relation between age-sex classes and dietary selection of wild Japanese monkeys
- Autumn Long-distance Movements of Male Japanese Sika deer Cervus nippon yesoensis in Western Hokkaido, Japan
- A proposal of the method of deer density estimate without fecal decomposition rate : a case study of fecal accumulation rate technique in Japan
- Greeting Behavior During Party Encounters in Captive Chimpanzees
- Minimum Area Required for Local Populations of Japanese Macaques Estimated from the Relationship Between Habitat Area and Population Extinction
- Dietary adaptations of temperate primates: comparisons of Japanese and Barbary macaques.
- Herbivory in canopy gaps created by a typhoon varies by understory plant leaf phenology
- Scale-dependent effects of windthrow disturbance on forest arthropod communities
- ヒグマと人の関わりをめぐって 日本のヒグマを追う--北大ヒグマ研究グループによる近年の活動から (特集 熊の生き物文化誌 森の王たちの居場所)