Autumn Long-distance Movements of Male Japanese Sika deer Cervus nippon yesoensis in Western Hokkaido, Japan
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We examined the ranging behaviors of three male Japanese sika deer Cervus nippon yesoensis in western Hokkaido (42°N, 141°E), Japan, from 2003 to 2009. All three deer exhibited similar patterns of long-distance movements in the autumn. They left residence areas between 17 September and 16 October during the rutting season. Their direction of movement appeared to be eastward, and total movement distances ranged from 7 to 26 km. The males tended to return to their residence areas between 10 November and 27 January.
日野 貴文
揚妻 直樹
揚妻 直樹
揚妻 直樹
Tomakomai Experimental Forest, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
揚妻 直樹
Agetsuma N
Field Science Center For Northern Biosphere Hokkaido University
Agetsuma N
Hokkaido Univ. Hokkaido Jpn
Agetsuma Naoki
Tomakomai Experimental Forest Field Science Center For Northern Biosphere Hokkaido University
Agetsuma Naoki
Akita University Of Economics And Law
Agetsuma Naoki
Hokkaido University
Agetsuma Naoki
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Agetsuma Naoki
Hokkaido Univ. Wakayama Jpn
Kyoto University
Tomakomai City Meseum
Agetsuma Naoki
Field Science Center For Northern Biosphere Hokkaido University
揚妻-柳原 芳美
Hino Takafumi
Tomakomai Research Station Field Science Center For Northern Biosphere Hokkaido University
HINO Takafumi
Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
揚妻 直樹
Wakayama Experimental Forest, Hokkaido University
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