佐世保市立総合病院 整形外科 | 論文
- Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Femoral Condyle of Patellofemoral Joint.
- Orthopaedi Disease Associated with Hemodialysis Patients.
- Permanent Dislocation of the Patella due to Distal Femoral Epiphyseolysis in Perinatal Period.
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Infectious Bone and Joint Lesions.
- Three Cases of Bilateral Spontaneous Rupture of the Quadriceps Tendon in Hemodialysis.
- Calcification Simulating Tumoral Calcinosis in Patient Undergoing Hemodialysis.
- Evaluation of Surgical Treatment for Patello-femoral Joint Disorders. Long-term Follow-up.:Long-term Follow-up
- A Case Report of Forearm Fracture with von Recklinghausen's Disease
- Our Experiences in the Treatment of Supracondylar Fractures of the Femur.
- The Significance of High Signal Intensity on MRI of Lumbar Disc Herniation.
- Joint and Pulmonary Manifestations in Rheumatoid Arthritis: a Review of Clinical Features.