京都大学医学部附属病院核医学科 | 論文
- Chemo-radionuclide therapy for thyroid cancer : Initial experimental study with cultured cells
- A patient with two thyroid papillary carcinomas demonstrating hot and cold lesions on ^I thyroid scintigraphy
- Causes of appearance of scintigraphic hot areas on thyroid scintigraphy analyzed with clinical features and comparative ultrasonographic findings
- Brain metastasis from differentiated thyroid cancer in patients treated with radioiodine for bone and lung lesions
- Hyperthyroid Graves' Disease after Hemithyroidectomy for Papillary Carcinoma : Report of Three Cases
- FRS-113 A Novel Method for Detecting of Vulnerable Plaques : Intravascular Radiation Detector (IVRD)(Nuclear Cardiology (I) : FRS14)(Featured Research Session (English))
- The Difference of Myocardial Flow Reserve between Patients with DCM and Dilated Phase of HCM : Evaluation by O-15 Water PET
- Importance of Plasma Catecholamine for the Energy Metabolism in Impaired Myocardium : Experimental Investigation Using I-123 BMIPP
- Importance of Oxidative Metabolism in Regulation of Exercise Tolerance in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure
- Detection of Unstable Coronary Plaque : Experimental Study of Plaque Avid Tracer and Catheter Based Intra-Vascular Radiation Detector (IVRD)
- Prognostic Values of Cardiac Metabolical Imagings in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure : ^C-Acetate versus ^I-MIBG
- Evaluation of coronary blood flow reserve by ^N-NH_3 positron emission computed tomography(PET) with dipyridamole in the treatment of hypertention with the ACE inhibitor(Cilazapril)
- 腫瘍選択的な放射能送達を目的とするRI標識抗腫瘍抗体フラグメントの分子設計 : 腎刷子縁膜酵素の作用を利用した腎臓への放射能集積の低減
- 0229 PETによる高血圧患者の心筋血流予備能の評価 : 心肥大の及ぼす影響について
- PS-126-2 肝細胞癌切除後予後予測におけるFDG-PETの意義
- ^In-ペンテトレオチドによるソマトスタチン受容体 : イメージングの臨床試験
- 心臓のイメージング : 核医学からMRI, MDCTまで
- ^Tc-ECD SPECTを用いたacetazolamide負荷前後の非侵襲的局所脳血流量測定 : 脳血管障害例における検討,測定手技簡略化の検討も含めて
- ホルモン受容体のRIイメージング
- 卵巣腫瘍患者における血清CA125、CEA、AFP、LDH及びLDH isoenzymeの検討 : とくに腫瘍組織型と各腫瘍マーカーの相関について