京都大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科 | 論文
- Atelectatic Ear and Predispositional Fragility of the Tympanic Membrane.
- Five cases of functioning thyroid nodule.
- The relationship among the movement of the lateral pharyngeal wall, soft palate and hearing acuity; tympanogram in the patiens with cleft palate.
- Survey of velopharyngeal function and articulation in patients with cleft palate in Kochi prefecture.
- Prognosis and complications of OME in patients with cleft palate.
- Preoperative control of Graves' disease. Six cases controlled without the use of antithyroid drugs.:-Six Cases Controlled without the Use of Antithyroid Drugs-
- 頭頸部腫瘍のMRI
- Reconstruction of anterior commisure in clottic stenosis after partial laryngectomy; A case report.
- Simulation of consonants with a multi-electrode cochlear implant.
- KTPレーザーによる咽喉頭血管腫の光凝固
- Reconstruction of vocal cord with omohyoid muscle flap; a case report.:A Case Report
- Ketas Treatment for Meniere's Disease.
- An improved procedure for creating a tracheoesophageal fistula for voice prosthesis.
- Nasopharyngeal osteoma; A case report.
- 舌全摘出患者の構音改善の一工夫
- Nasal mucociliary clearance and ciliary beating frequency in laryngectomized patients.
- Eye Deviation in Patients with Loss of Vestibular Function
- 内リンパ嚢減荷術後の聴力経過 (メニエ-ル病の研究-3-)
- Statistical Observations on Ménière's Disease
- Hydrostatic pressure in experimentally induced endolymphatic hydrops in the guinea pig.