九州大学大学院数理学研究院 | 論文
- 写像のAn構造について(非安定ホモトピー論の研究)
- ロール型対流解の2次元撹乱に対する安定性について(流体とプラズマの諸現象の数学解析)
- Recent topics on multiplier ideals (Arc spaces and multiplier ideals--RIMS共同研究報告集)
- 偏微分方程式の数値解法とその周辺(学術会合報告)
- Numerical Computation to the Advection in the Field of Some Point Vortices (Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations and Related Topics)
- 等質 Siegel 領域の対称性条件をめぐって
- Cayley変換像の凸性による対称管状領域の特徴付け (表現論および等質空間上の調和解析)
- Berezin核をめぐって (再生核の理論の応用)
- 擬逆元写像による対称錐の特徴付け (Lie Theoryのひろがりと新たな進展)
- 等質Siegel領域のPoisson核とCayley変換の幾何学的関係 (新世紀への表現論と調和解析)
- Berezin Transforms and Laplace-Beltrami Operators on Homogeneous Siegel Domains : commutativity, symmetry of the domain and a Cayley transform (Lie Groups, Geometric Structures and Differential Equations : One Hundred Years after Sophus Lie)
- Analysis of Berezin Transforms (Representations of Lie Groups and Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis)
- Bochner-Hecke等式の幾つかの証明とその周辺(巾零幾何と解析)
- Algebraically independent generators of invariant differential operators on a bounded symmetric domain(Theory of Prehomogeneous vector spaces)
- Algebraically independent generators of invariant differential operators on a symmetric cone
- Fourier transform of holomorphic discrete series : the case of tube domains
- Representation of a solvable Lie group on $\overline{\partial}_b$ cohomology spaces
- On symmetry of L$^1$(G) for solvable Lie groups
- Plancherel theorem for solvable Lie groups acting simply transitively on Siegel domains(Spherical Distributions and Expansion of the $\delta$-Distributions)
- A description of a space of holomorphic discrete series by means of the Fourier transform on the Silov boundary