九大薬 | 論文
- 1 新規環変換反応の開発と二、三の天然物合成への応用(口頭発表の部)
- 63(P1-11) 新規環拡大反応と(-)ムスコン合成への応用(ポスター発表の部)
- Insight into the Cyclization of 6-Octen-1-als with Rhodium(I) Complex
- Diastereoselective Cyclization of 6-Octen-1-als with Rhodium(I)-Complex
- Paris quadrifolia LINN.の主成分Pennogenin Tetraglycoside(Tg)の循環系に対する作用
- Study on the Constituents of Paris quadriforia L.
- Steroid Saponins and Sapogenins of Underground Parts of Trillium kamtschaticum PALL. IV. Additional Oligoglycosides of 18-Norspirostane Derivatives and Other Steroidal Constituents
- Steroid Saponins and Sapogenins of Underground Parts of Trillium kamtschaticum PALL. III. On the Structure of a Novel Type of Steroid Glycoside, Trillenoside A, an 18-Norspirostanol Oligoside
- 30 新型ステロイド配糖体,18-Norspirostanol Oligoside,の構造
- Steroid Saponins of Aerial Parts of Paris tetraphylla A. GRAY and of Underground Parts of Trillium tschonoskii MAXIM.
- Furostanol Bisglycosides Corresponding to Dioscin and Gracillin
- 51 nologenin,pennogenin及びkryptogenin glycosidesの単離と構造
- Three Glycosphingolipids Having the Phosphocholine Group from the Crude Drug "Jiryu" (The Earthworm, Pheretima asiatica)
- Resin Glycosides. XVIII. Determination by Mosher's Method of the Absolute Configurations of Mono- and Dihydroxyfatty Acids Originated from Resin Glycosides
- Resin Glycosides. VII. : Reinvestigation of the Component Organic and Glycosidic Acids of Pharbitin, the Crude Ether-Insoluble Resin Glycoside ("Convolvulin") of Pharbitidis Semen (Seeds of Pharbitis nil)
- Resin Glycosides. IV. Two New Resin Glycosides, Muricatins VII and VIII : from the Seeds of Ipomoea muricata
- Resin Clycosides. III : Isolation and Structural Study of the Genuine Resion Glycosides, Muricatins I : VI, from the Seeds of I pomoea muricata
- Resin Glycosides. II. : Identification and Characterization of the Component Organic and Glycosidic Acids of the Crude Resin Glycoside from the Seeds of Ipomoea muricata
- The X-Ray Analysis of Caesalpin J from Sappan Lignum