小林 正明 | 帝京大学小児科教室
論文 | ランダム
- Inhibition of in Vitro Prostaglandin and Leukotriene Biosyntheses by Cinnamoyl-β-phenethylamine and N-Acyldopamine Derivatives
- Biologically Active Constituents of Melaleuca leucadendron : Inhibitors of Induced Histamine Release from Rat Mast Cells
- Biologically Active Constituents of Centipeda minima : Sesquiterpenes of Potential Anti-allergy Activity
- Biologically Active Constituents of Magnolia salicifolia : Inhibitors of Induced Histamine Release from Rat Mast Cells
- 2E15-3 ダイズ根粒菌Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110株由来ハロアルカン脱ハロゲン酵素DbjAの構造と基質特異性に関する解析(環境浄化・修復・保全技術,一般講演)