Ueda Akira | Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Kyoto University
Ueda Akira
Department Of Applied Mathematics And Physics Faculty Of Engineering Kyoto University
UEDA Akira
Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Engineering Kyoto University
Ueda Akira
Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Kyoto University
UEDA Akira
Department of Mathmatical Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University
Ogawa Tohru
Max-planck-institut Fur Festkorperforshung
MATSUDA Hirotsugu
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science Kyusyu University
OGITA Naofumi
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Ogita Naofumi
System Laboratory, Fujitsu Ltd.
Matsuda Hirotsugu
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Kyusyu University
Matsuda Hirotsugu
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Kyushu University
- Geometrical Analysis of Crystallization of the Soft-Core Model
- Computer Simulation for the Melting Curve Maximum Phenomenon : Two-Species Soft-Core Model
- Molecular Dynamics Studies on the Soft-Core Model
- A New Monte Carlo Approach to Quantum Spin Systems : Direct Evaluation of the Partition Function
- A Direct Evaluation Method of the Partition Function of Quantum Spin Systems
- Monte Carlo Studies of Lattice Models : LJD Lattice, Fine-Grained Lattices and Continuum