KANEKO Kunihiko | Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tokyo
KANEKO Kunihiko
Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tokyo
KANEKO Kazunari
Department of Physics, Kyusyu University
Kaneko K
Kyushu Sangyo Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
KANEKO Kunihiko
Institute of Physics, College of Arts and Sciences University of Tokyo
Kaneko Kunihiko
Department Of Basic Science Graduate School Of Arts And Science The University Of Tokyo
Kaneko Kazunari
Department Of Pediatrics Juntendo University School Of Medicine
Geophysical Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Laboratory of Physics, Fukuoka Dental College
Laboratory of Physics, Fukuoka Dental College
Tazaki Shigeru
Department Of Applied Physics Fukuoka University
- Fractal Basin Structure : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Single and Double β Decay in N ≈ Z Nuclei
- Chapter 3 A New Microscopic Method for Describing the Elementary Modes of Excitation in the Intrinsic Subspace : Dressed n-Quasiparticle Modes and Multi-Phonon Excitation
- Dynamical Anharmonicity Effects in Low-Lying Negative-Parity States of Odd-Mass Sn Isotopes
- Global Features of Proton-Neutron Interactions
- A New Operator Representation of Collective States Composed of J=0 and J=2 Nucleon Pairs
- Applicability of the Extended P + QQ Model in the Upper Part of the f_ Shell
- Phase Transition and Slowing Down in Non-Equilibrium Stochastic Processes
- Geometry of Undecidable Systems
- Spatiotemporal Complexity in Coupled Map Lattices