Tazaki Shigeru | Department Of Applied Physics Fukuoka University
Tazaki Shigeru
Department Of Applied Physics Fukuoka University
Takada Kenjiro
Department Of Physics Kuushu University
Kaneko Kazunari
Department Of Pediatrics Juntendo University School Of Medicine
TAKADA Kenjiro
Department of Physics, Kyushu University
Sakata Fumihiko
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Sakata Fumihiko
Institute For Nuclear Study The University Of Tokyo
KANEKO Kunihiko
Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tokyo
KANEKO Kazunari
Department of Physics, Kyusyu University
Geophysical Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Okamoto Ryoji
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
- A Note on Pairing Vibrational Motion
- Role of Particle-Hole Interaction in the Four-Particle-Four-Hole States in ^O
- Dyson Boson Mapping and Shell-Model Calculations for Even-Even Nuclei(Nuclear Physics)
- Quasiparticle-Shell-Model Calculations of So-Called Two-Phonon States in Cd and Sn Isotopes
- Chapter 5 Dynamical Interplay between Pairing and Quadrupole Correlations in Odd-Mass Nuclei
- Chapter 4 Dynamical Interplay between Pairing and Quadrupole Correlations : Anharmonicity in the So-Called Two-Phonon Triplet States in Medium-Heavy Nuclei
- Chapter 3 A New Microscopic Method for Describing the Elementary Modes of Excitation in the Intrinsic Subspace : Dressed n-Quasiparticle Modes and Multi-Phonon Excitation
- Dynamical Anharmonicity Effects in Low-Lying Negative-Parity States of Odd-Mass Sn Isotopes
- Applicability of the Extended P + QQ Model in the Upper Part of the f_ Shell
- Structure of Deformation in Light f-p Shell Nuclei