TAKAMIYA Toshinori | Department of Physics, Kumamoto University
Takemiya Toshinori
Department Of Nuclear Science Kyoto University
TAKAMIYA Toshinori
Department of Physics, Kumamoto University
TAKEMIYA Toshinori
Department of Physics, Kumamoto University
Takemiya Toshinori
Department Of Physics Kumamoto University
Witala Henryk
Institut Fur Theoretische Physik Ruhr-universitat Bochum
Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
Glockle W
Ruhr‐univ. Bochum Bochum Deu
Gloeckle W
Institute For Theoretical Physics Ii Ruhr-university Bochum
Nakamura Hideaki
Department Of Computer Science & Systems Engineering Yamaguchi University
Nakamura Hideaki
Department Of Analytical Chemistry Hoshi University
- On the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in Low-Energy Elastic Nucleon-Deuteron Scattering
- Two-Body Off-Shell T and S Matrices
- Deuteron Breakup Reaction by 130 MeV Neutron
- Binding Energy for Three-Nucleon System
- Nucleon Distribution in the Triton
- On the Low Energy n-d Scattering : Nuclear Physics
- Analyzing Powers in the n-d Scattering and 2-N Interaction
- Deuteron Breakup Reaction Induced by Low Energy Neutron : Nuclear Physics
- Analyzing Powers in Elastic Nucleon-Deuteron Scattering : Progress Letters