Hayashi Koji | Institute Of Industrial Science
Hayashi Koji
Institute Of Industrial Science
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
Hayashi Koji
Institute Of Industrial Science The University Of Tokyo
Hayashi K
Institute Of Industrial Science The University Of Tokyo
Yanaba Yutaka
Institute Of Industrial Science
Tanaka Kazuhiko
Institute Of Industrial Science The University Of Tokyo
Kobayashi Masaki
Toshiba Tungaloy Co. Ltd.
Kinoshita Satoshi
Toshiba Tungaloy Co. Ltd.
Toshiba Tungaloy Co., Ltd.
Yamamoto Yoshiharu
Formerly Tokyo Tungsten Co. Ltd.
ASADA Nobuaki
Allied Material Corp., Ltd.
Formerly, Tokyo Tungsten Co., Ltd.
DOI Yoshihiko
Allied Material Corp., Ltd.
Igarashi Tadashi
Formerly Tokyo Tungsten Co. Ltd.
Asada N
A.l.m.t. Corp. Toyama Jpn
Doi Yoshihiko
Allied Material Corp. Ltd.
Doi Yoshihiko
Tokyo Tungsten Co. Ltd.
SAITO Takeshi
Toshiba Tungaloy Co.,Ltd.
Saito Takeshi
Toshiba Tungaloy Co. Ltd.
YAMAMOTO Yoshiharu
Tokyo Tungsten Co.,Ltd.
DOI Yoshihiko
Tokyo Tungsten Co.,Ltd.
ASADA Nobuaki
Tokyo Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
Asada Nobuaki
Allied Material Corp. Ltd.
The Japan Research and Development Center for Metals (JRCM)
TANAKA Kazuhiko
Institute of Industrial Science,The University of Tokyo
Toshiba Tungaloy Co., Ltd.
Taniguchi Yasuro
Toshiba Tungaloy Co. Ltd.
CHO Won-Seung
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University
Cho Won-seung
School Of Materials Science And Engineering Inha University
KOBATA Masaaki
Nittech Research Co., Ltd
ASADA Nobuyuki
Tokyo Tungsten Co.,Ltd.
Tokyo Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Fuji Die Co. Ltd.
Fuji Die Co. Ltd.
Igarashi Tadashi
Tokyo Tangusten Co. Ltd.
Kim J‐g
Institute Of Advanced Materials Inha University
Kawaguchi Yoshihiro
Graduate Student In Course Of Materials Science The University Of Tokyo
Terada Osamu
Fuji Die Co. Ltd
Asada Nobuaki
Allied Material Corp. Ltd3
Matsuoka N
Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Jpn
KIM Jun-Gyu
Institute of Advanced Materials,Inha University
Tajima Masanori
Institute Of Industrial Science The University Of Tokyo
Cho Won-seung
School Of Materials Sci. And Engineering Inha Univ.
Yanaba Y
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo‐to Jpn
Yanaba Yutaka
Institute Of Industrial Science The University Of Tokyo
Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo
Graduate Student in Course of Material Science, The University of Tokyo
HOJO Nobuo
Toshiba Tungaloy Co., Ltd.
Toshiba Tungaloy Co.,Ltd.
Taniguchi Nobuto
Graduate Student In Course Of Material Science The University Of Tokyo
Kitamura Kozo
Toshiba Tungaloy Co. Ltd.
Tanaka K
Institute Of Industrial Science The University Of Tokyo
Hojo Nobuo
Toshiba Tungaloy Co. Ltd.
Takahashi Toshiyuki
Toshiba Tungaloy Co. Ltd.
Yamamoto Yoshihalu
Tokyo Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Yamada Yutaka
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
Hayashi Koji
Institute of Industrial Science,The University of Tokyo
- Synthesis of New Mono-Carbonitride(W, Mo)(C, N) Powder by Heating W-Mo Alloy+C Mixed Powder in High-Pressure Nitrogen Gas (特集 硬質材料)
- Synthesis of New Mono-Carbonitride Mo(C,N) Powder by Heating Mo+C Mixed Powder in High-Pressure Nitrogen Gas (特集 硬質材料)
- Synthesis New Cabonitride W(C, N)Powder by Heating W+C Mixed Powder in High Pressure Nitrogen Gas
- Applicabilities of Equations of σ_m=ψK_S_^ and σ_d^=σ_O^+Ka^ to Soda Lime Glass
- Effects of Test Piece Length,Composition and Measuring Atmosphere on PTCR Characteristic of Porous BaTiO_3-Based Vacuum-Sintered Compacts Added with Partially Oxidized Ti Powder
- Applicabilities of σm=ψKICSmf1/2 and σd-1=σ0-1+Ka1/2 to KIC Estimation of Hardmetals, Cermets and Ceramics (特集 硬質材料)
- Effect of Sintering Cooling Rate on V Segregation Amount at WC/Co Interface in VC-doped WC-Co Fine-Grained Hardmetal
- A Consideration on Grain Growth in WC-Co Fine Grained Hardmetal by Numerical Calculation Based on Alloy Model with Three Kinds of Grain Sizes (特集 硬質材料)
- Development of Two New Methods for Estimating Fracture Stress of Fractured Hard or Brittle Materials from Its Fragments (特集 硬質材料)
- Application of New Estimating Method of Fracture Toughness by Use of Equation of σ_m=ψK_S_^ to High Speed Steel
- Application of an Equation Representing Reciprocal Fracture Strength versus Square Root of Fracture Origin Size to the Estimation of Fracture Toughness of Hard or Brittle Materials (特集 硬質材料)
- Applicability of New K_ Estimation Method Using Equation σ_m=ψK_S_^ for Hard or Brittle Materials to Ductile Hot Tool Alloy Steels
- Automation of Measuring Fracture Surface Area and Shortening of Measuring Time for Hard Materials (特集 硬質材料)
- Measurement of Kinetic Energy of Flying Fragments in Bending Test of WC-10mass%Co Cemented Carbide (特集 硬質材料)
- Proposal of Atomic Models for Formation Process of Carbonitride W(C,N) Synthesized by Normal-and High-pressure Methods
- One Evidence for New Hypothesis "Exhaustion of Diffusion-Contributable Vacancy in Core/Rim Structure
- Open Pore Generation on Sintered Surface of Ti (C,N) Base Cermet and Its Mechanism (特集 硬質材料)
- Effects of Starting Powder Size and Ball-Milling Time on Microstructure of WC-Co Base Cemented Carbides Prepared from W+C+Co Base Mixed Powder (特集 硬質材料)
- High Temperature Strength of WC-Co Base Cemented Carbide Having Highly Oriented Plate-Like Triangular Prismatic WC Grains (特集 硬質材料)
- Mechanisms for Formation of Highly Oriented Plate-Like Triangular Prismatic WC Grains in WC-Co Base Cemented Carbides Prepared from W and C Instead of WC
- Effects of N/(C+N) Atomic Ratio and Amount of Ti(C,N) on Chemical Reaction of Al2O3-Ti(C,N) Ceramics with Ni Plate (特集 硬質材料)
- Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of New WC-Co Base Cemented Carbide Having Highly Oriented Plate-Like Triangular Prismatic WC Grains (特集 硬質材料)
- Microstructual Change During FeSi_2 (β-phase) Formation and the Cause for Acceleration of the Formation Rate by Addition of Pd in Mn-doped Fe-66.7at%Si Alloy
- Synthesis of New Mo(C,N) Powder by Heating Mo Powder in CH4+NH3 Mixed Gas of Normal-Pressure (特集 硬質材料)
- Products Obtained by Heating Cr Powder in CH4+NH3 Mixed Gas of Normal-Pressure (特集 硬質材料)
- Effect of Preheating Profiles on Nitrogen Contents of Mono-carbonitrides Synthesized by Heating W, Mo and W-Mo Powders in CH4+NH3 Mixed Gas of Normal-Pressure (特集 硬質材料)
- Synthesis of New(W,Mo)(C,N) Powder by Heating W-Mo Alloy Powder in CH_4+NH_3 Mixed Gas of Normal-Pressure
- Preparation of Fe_4N Sintered Compact by Heating Green and Sintered Compacts of Fe Powder in Flowing NH_3+H_2 Mixed Gas
- Microstructural Development and Properties of New WC-CO Base Hardmetal Prepard From CoxWyCz+C Instead of WC (特集 硬質材料)
- Synthesis of New W(C,N) Powder by Heating W+C and WO_3+C Mixed Powders in NH_3+H_2 and CH_4+NH_3 Mixed Gases