Yamazaki Osamu | 大阪市立総合医療センター 肝臓内科
Yamazaki Osamu
大阪市立総合医療センター 肝臓内科
Yamazaki Osamu
Central Research Laboratories Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Yamazaki Osamu
Department Of Gastrointestinal Surgery Osaka City General Hospital
Yamazaki Osamu
Department Of Ecological Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Yamazaki Osamu
Department Of Surgery Osaka City General Hospital
Yamazaki O
Department Of Gastrointestinal Surgery Osaka City General Hospital
Yamazaki Osamu
Department of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery, OsakaCity University, Graduate School of Medicine
Kinoshita Hiroaki
Department Of General Practice Osaka City University Hospital
Hirohashi Kazuhiro
大阪市立大学 医学研究科肝胆膵外科学
UENISHI Takahiro
Department of Gastroenterological and Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery, Osaka City University Gradu
- Spontaneous Regression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma : Report of a Case
- In Situ Rapid Thermal Nitridation of Collimated Titanium by Physical Vapor Deposition as a Blanket Tungsten Barrier
- Properties of High T_c Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Microscope With High μ-Metal Needle : Superconductors
- Properties of High T_c Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Microscope with High μ-Metal Needle
- Mirizzi Syndrome Caused by Xanthogranulomatous Cholecystitis: Report of a case
- Analysis of 69 patients with amebic liver abscess
- Clinical significance of serum cytokeratin-19 fragment (CYFRA 21-1) in hepatocellular carcinoma
- A long-term survivor of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with paraaortic lymph node metastasis
- Serosal invasion in TNM staging of mass-forming intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
- Indications for surgical treatment of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with lymph node metastases