Kosako T | Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Kosako T
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Kosako Toshiso
Research Center For Nuclear Science And Technology The Univeisity Of Tokyo
Ishii Kentaro
Science Univeisily Of Tokyo
Iimoto Takeshi
Division For Environment Health And Safety The University Of Tokyo
Iimoto Takeshi
Research Center For Nuclear Science And Technology The Univeisity Of Tokyo
ABE Takuya
Shizuoka Prefectural Environmental Radiation Monitoring Center
Iimoto Takeshi
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Kosako Toshiso
Univ. Tokyo Ibaraki Jpn
鈴木 ちひろ
Sugiura Nobuyuki
Rcnst The Univ. Of Tokyo
Kosako Toshiso
Rcnst The Univ. Of Tokyo
Kosako Toshiso
Nuclear Professional School Graduate School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
IIMOTO Takeshi
RCNST, The Univ. of Tokyo
ISHII Kentaro
RCNST, The Univ. of Tokyo
SHIMADA Kazumasa
Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
KOSAKO Toshiso
Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Shimada Kazumasa
Department Of Nuclear Engineering And Management School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
SUGIURA Nobuyuki
RCNST, The Univ. of Tokyo
- Data Correction in ESR Dosimetry for the Average Absorbed Dose of Teeth Exposed to External Photon
- Measurement of Dose Distribution in Mouth for gamma-ray External Exposure
- Theoretical Background of the Dosimetry System 86 (DS86) : I. DOSIMETRY
- Sensitization of Solid State Nuclear Track Detector in Carbon Dioxide for Improved Fast Neutron Dosimeter : Monte Carlo Simulation and Experimental Results for Energy Response of Neutron Dosimeter and Quantitative Estimation of Sensitization by CO_2 Pre-e
- Energy Response of an Imaging Plate to Low-energy Photons for Use in Dosimetry