Miyanaga T | Hirosaki Univ. Aomori
Miyanaga T
Hirosaki Univ. Aomori
Department of Physics,Faculty of Education,Wakayama University
Miyanaga Takeshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Educaiton Wakayama University
Fujita M
Japan Coast Guard Acad. Kure
Fukui Ken-ichi
Department Of Chemistry Graduate Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Fukui University
Maritime Safety Academy
Nakagawa H
Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering Fukui University
Ken-ichi Fukui
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Fukui K
Research Center For Development Of Far-infrared Region Fukui University
- Optical Spectra of SnI_2 Crystal
- Polarezed Reflection Spectra of Orthorhombic PbCl_2 and PbBr_2
- Fine Structures of Cd^ 4d Core Excitons in CdCl_2-CdBr_2 Mixed Crystals and CdI_2 Crystal
- Optical Spectra of Cadminm Halide Crystals in 3-30 eV Region
- Formation of CN^--Centers on KCL from Gaseous N_2 and CO_2 with Undulator Light
- Reproducibility Tests of Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure for Aqua and Ammine Complexes of First Transition Metals in Solid and Aqueous Solution
- EXARFS Debye-Waller Factor and Ligand Exchange Reaction of Hydrated Metal Complexes
- Quantum Statistical Approach to Debye-Waller Factors in EXAFS, EELS and ARXPS.I. Anharmonic Contribution in Plane-Wave Approximation
- EPR Studies of Strong Jahn-Teller Coupling Systems CdCl_2: Ag^ and CdBr_2: Ag^