Ishiguro N | Obihiro Univ. Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine Hokkaido Jpn
Ishiguro N
Obihiro Univ. Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine Hokkaido Jpn
Ishiguro Naotaka
Faculty Of Applied Biological Science Gifu University
Ishiguro Naotaka
Laboratory Of Food And Environmental Hygiene Faculty Of Applied Biological Sciences Gifu University
Ishiguro Naotaka
Laboratory Of Veterinary Public Health Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Hongo Hitomi
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Hongo Hitomi
Department Of Advanced Sciences Graduate University For Advanced Studies
本郷 一美
Hongo Hitomi
Dept. Of Evolution And Phylogeny Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
HONGO Hitomi
Department of Advanced Sciences, Graduate University for Advanced Studies
茂原 信生
- Localization of Sympathetic, Parasympathetic and Sensory Neurons Innervating the Distal Ileum of the Cattle(Anatomy)
- Prehistoric Sado Island Populations of Sus scrofa Distinguished from Contemporary Japanese Wild Boar by Ancient Mitochondrial DNA
- Ancient DNA Reveals Genetic Lineage of Sus scrofa among Archaeological Sites in Japan
- Variations in Mitochondrial DNA of Dogs from Archaeological Sites in Japan and NeighbouringIslands
- Genetic Variation of the Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome b Region in Japanese Native Dog Breeds (Canis familiaris)(Genetics)
- Morphological and genetic analysis of Vietnamese Sus scrofa bones for evidence of pig domestication
- Phylogeography and Population Structure of the Japanese Wild Boar Sus scrofa leucomystax : Mitochondrial DNA Variation(Animal Diversity and Evolution)
- Variation in Mitochondrial DNA of Vietnamese Pigs: Relationships with Asian Domestic Pigs and Ryukyu Wild Boars
- A Genetic Method to Distinguish Crossbred Inobuta from Japanese Wild Boars : Animal Diversity and Evolution
- mtDNA variation in Vietnamese pigs, with particular emphasis on the genetic relationship between wild boars from Vietnam and the Ryukyu Islands