Tani Tomoko | First Department Of Internal Medicine Osaka City University Medical School
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- 同名の論文著者
- First Department Of Internal Medicine Osaka City University Medical Schoolの論文著者
Takeuchi Kazuhide
大阪市立大学 医学研究科循環器病態内科学
Tani Tomoko
First Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka City University Medical School
Tani Tomoko
First Department Of Internal Medicine Osaka City University Medical School
Takeuchi Kazuhide
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Osaka City University Medical School
Toda Iku
Division Of Cardiology Bell Land General Hospital
Akioka Kaname
First Department of Internal Medicine Osaka City University Medical School
Takeuchi Kazuhide
First Department of Internal Medicine Osaka City University Medical School
Takeda Tadanao
First Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka City University Medical School
Teragaki Masakazu
First Department of Internal Medicine Osaka City University Medical School
Yoshiyama Minoru
First Department of Internal Medicine Osaka City University Medical School
- -P613- Calcium channel antagonist prevents cardiac hypertrophy induced by isoproterenol(PROCEEDINGS OF THE 59th ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE JAPANESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY)
- -0907- The effect of TCV-116, angiotensin II type I receotor antagonist, ont the cardiac phenotype and extracelullar matrix in left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction.(PROCEEDINGS OF THE 59th ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE JAPANESE CIRCU
- -0669- Isosorbide Dinitrate Suppresses Protooncogene Expression on Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury(PROCEEDINGS OF THE 59th ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE JAPANESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY)
- The role of angiotensin II type l receptor to the left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction
- Protooncogene expression on ischemia-reperfusion injury
- Reverse Redistribution of Thallium-201 Myocardial Single Photon Emission Tomography and Contractile Reserve
- Detecting Viable Myocardium and Predicting Functional Improvement : Comparisons of Positron Emission Tomography, Rest-Redistribution Thallium-201 Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), Exercise Thallium-201 Reinjection SPECT, I-123 BMIPP SPEC
- Angiotensin II Type-1 Receptor Antagonist as Well as Angiotensin Converying Enzyme Inhibitor Attenuates the Development of Heart Failure in Aortocaval Fistula Rats
- Myocardial Infarct Size by Serum Troponin T and Myosin Light Chain 1 Concentration
- Relationship Between Insufficient Redistribution in Exercise Thallium-201 Myocardial Single-photon Emission Computed Tomography and Reverse Redistribution at Rest