Sterner Olov | Department Of Organic And Bioorganic Chemistry
Sterner Olov
Department Of Organic And Bioorganic Chemistry
Sterner O
Division Of Organic Chemistry Lund University
Anke H
Institute Of Biotechnology And Drug Research(ibwf)
Anke T
Institute Of Biotechnology And Drug Research
Sterner Olov
Department Of Organic And Bioorganic Chemistry Lund University
Anke Timm
Institut Fur Biotechnologie Und Wirkstoff-forschung Erwin-schroedinger-str.
THINES Eckhard
University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Biotechnology
Thines Eckhard
Lb Biotechnology University Of Kaiserslautern:(present Address)school Of Biological Sciences Univers
Eilbert Frank
Institute For Biotechnology And Drug Research (ibwf E.v.)
ANKE Heidrun
University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Biotechnology, Paul-Ehrlich-StraBe
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- Fatty Acids and Their Derivatives as Modulators of Appressorium Formation in Magnaporthe grisea
- Scytalols A, B, C, and D and Other Modulators of Melanin Biosynthesis from Scytalidium sp. 36-93
- Glisoprenins C, D and E, New Inhibitors of Appressorium Formation in Manaporthe grisea, from Culturcs of Gliocladium roseum 2. Structure Determination
- Benesudon, a New Antibiotic Fungal Metabolite from Cultures of Mollisia benesuada (Tul.) Phill