Azuma Yasutaka | Department Of Pharmacology Osaka Dental University
OHURA Kiyoshi
Department of Pharmacology, Osaka Dental University
AZUMA Yasutaka
Department of Pharmacology, Osaka Dental University
Ohura Kiyoshi
Department Of Pharmacology Osaka Dental University
Azuma Yasutaka
Department Of Pharmacology Osaka Dental University
Daito M
Osaka Dental Univ. Osaka Jpn
Date Masataka
Department Of Pharmacology Osaka Dental University
Daito Miho
Department Of Pediatric Dentistry Osaka Dental University
Ohura K
Department Of Pharmacology Osaka Dental University
DAITO Michiharu
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Osaka Dental University
Daito Michiharu
Department Of Pediatric Dentistry Osaka Dental University
- Possible Involvement of IGF-I and Neurotrophins in Fibroblast Proliferation
- 15-Deoxy-Δ12'14-prostaglandin J2 and Its Precursors Target Phosphoinositide 3-kinase and p38 MAPK to Accelerate Proliferation in the Human T Cell Leukemia Cell Line MOLT-4F
- Comparative Studies of the Effects of Adenosine and ATP on All-trans Retinoic Acid, 1, 25-dihydroxy-vitamin D_3 and Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced Differentiation in U937 Human Leukemia Cells
- Alteration of the Expression of A 2 a Adenosine Receptor and Toll-like Receptor 4 in Macrophage Cell Lines
- Expression and Nuclear Localization of p65 in Brain and Retina of Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats with Hyperglycemia
- Effect of a Low Calcium Diet on the Levels of Protein Kinases Activity in Rat Parotid Glands
- Effect of a low calcium diet on the salivary amylase in weaning rats
- Possible Involvement of p38 in Mechanisms Underlying Acceleration of Proliferation by 15-Deoxy-*^-prostaglandin J_2 and the Precursors in Leukemia Cell Line THP-1
- Effect of Anti-CD14 Antibody on Experimental Periodontitis Induced by Porphyromonas gingivalis Lipopolysaccharide
- Simultaneous Determination of Alteration of a Variety of Macrophage Functions Related to Natural Immunity Following Treatment with a DP Receptor Agonist