Hirai Hirohisa | Prime Res. Ins. Kyoto Univ.
Hirai Hirohisa
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Hirai Hirohisa
Molecular Biology Section Department Of Cellular And Molecular Biology Primate Research Institute Ky
Hirai Hirohisa
Department Of Population Genetics Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Hirai Hirohisa
Department Of Cellular And Molecular Biology Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Hirai Hirohisa
Prime Res. Ins. Kyoto Univ.
Hirohisa Hirai
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Hirai Hirohisa
Kyoto University
Hirai H
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Hirai Hirohisa
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
川本 芳
Kawamoto Y
Kyoto Univ. Aichi Jpn
Kawamoto Y
Population Genetics Section Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Kyoto University
Koyama Naoki
The Center For African Area Studies Kyoto University
Kawamoto Y
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Kawamoto Yoshi
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Yoshi Kawamoto
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Go Yasuhiro
The Graduate University For Advanced Studies
Koyama N
Kyoto University
Kawamoto Yoshi
Kyoto Univ. Inuyama Jpn
Kawamoto Yoshi
Population Genetics Section Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Takahata Yukio
Kwansei Gakuin University
Matsui Atsushi
Molecular Biology Section Department Of Cellular And Molecular Biology Primate Research Institute Ky
Suzuki Nami
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Imai Hiroo
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Imai Hiroo
Molecular Biology Section Department Of Cellular And Molecular Biology Primate Research Institute Ky
Agatsuma Takeshi
Department Of Environmental Health Science Faculty Of Medicine Kochi Medical School
Upatham S
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Mahidol University
Suzuki Nami
Molecular Biology Section Department Of Cellular And Molecular Biology Primate Research Institute Ky
Go Yasuhiro
Molecular Biology Section Department Of Cellular And Molecular Biology Primate Research Institute Ky
Sugawara Tohru
Molecular Biology Section Department Of Cellular And Molecular Biology Primate Research Institute Ky
Hirata Mizuki
Department Of Parasitology Kurume University School Of Medicine
Hirata Mizuki
Department Of Parasitology Faculty Of Medicine Kurume University
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University
Hirai Yuriko
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Taguchi Takahiro
Department Of Anatomy Faculty Of Medicine Kochi Medical School
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Aye-aye Conservation Project, Japan Aye-aye fund
Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza
MORA Roger
Ivoloina Zoological Park
吾妻 健
Department Of Environmental Health Science Kochi Medical School Kochi University
川本 芳
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Rakotoarisoa Gilbert
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Shima Taizo
Aye-aye Conservation Project Japan International Cooperation Agency
岡本 宗裕
高岡 宏行
高岡 宏行
大分医科大学 眼科
高岡 宏行
Department of Environmental Health Science, Kochi Medical School
Taguchi Takahiro
Department Of Pathology Kochi Medical School Kochi University
Imai Hiroo
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Takahata Yukio
Graduate School Of Informatics Kyoto University
OKAMOTO Munehiro
Department of Laboratory Animal Science, School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Tott
Aoki Yoshiki
Department of Parasitology, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University
SUZUKI Hiroshi
Institute for Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University
高岡 宏行
大分医科大学 病理
Hadi Upik
Umetsu Kazuo
Yamagata University School Of Medicine
Takahata Y
School Of Policy Studies Kwansei Gakuin University
Yukio Takahata
Kwansei-gakuin University
Molecular Chemistry Laboratory, Pharmaceutical Research Division, Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd.
平井 啓久
近藤 賢子
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology
Takaoka Hiroyuki
Department Of Infectious Disease Control Oita University
Department of Parasitology, National Institute of Health
Molecular Biology Section, Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Primate Research Institute,
GO Yasuhiro
Molecular Biology Section, Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Primate Research Institute,
HIRAI Hirohisa
Molecular Biology Section, Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Primate Research Institute,
IMAI Hiroo
Molecular Biology Section, Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Primate Research Institute,
Sugawara Tohru
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Go Yasuhiro
Biodiversity Global COE program, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Matsui Atsushi
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
IMAI Hirotami
National Institute of Genetics
Okamoto Munehiro
Department Of Parasitology Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine Hokkaido University
Okamoto Munehiro
Department Of Laboratory Animal Science School Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Of Agriculture Tottori
Okamoto M
Department Of Laboratory Animal Science School Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Of Agriculture Tottori
SAITOH Yasuhide
Department of Internal Medicine, Kashima Rosai Hospital
Takahata Yukio
School Of Policy Studies Kwansei Gakuin University
ABE Keiko
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo
Ono Masato
Fac. Agri. Tamagawa Univ.
Naoki Koyama
The Center For African Area Studies Kyoto University
Aoki Yoshiki
Department Of Parasitology Institute For Tropical Medicine Nagasaki University
Imai H
National Inst. Genetics Shizuoka‐ken Jpn
Tanaka Manami
Institute Of Basic Medical Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Naomi Miyamoto
The Center For African Area Studies Kyoto University
Shigeo Kitaoka
Niigata Sangyou University
Habe Shigehisa
Department Of Parasitology Faculty Of Medicine Fukuoka University
Tanimura Yasuaki
Nihon University
Koga Akihiko
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Hiroshi SUZUKI
Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, 852-8523 Japan
Sugiyama Hiromu
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Muroran Institute Of Technology
Sugiyama H
Department Of Parasitology National Institute Of Infectious Diseases
Department of Parasitology, National Yang-Ming University
Department of Parasitology, College of Public Health, University of Philippines
Department of Schistosomiasis, Sichuan Institute of Parasitic Diseases
Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia
Tiu W
Department Of Parasitology College Of Public Health University Of Philippines
Lo Chin-tson
Department Of Parasitology National Yang-ming University
Qui Dongchuan
Department Of Schistosomiasis Sichuan Institute Of Parasitic Diseases
Kawanaka Masanori
Department Of Parasitology National Institute Of Health
Kawanaka Masanori
Department Of Parasitology National Institute Of Infectious Diseases
Hadidjaja P
Department Of Parasitology Faculty Of Medicine University Of Indonesia
ICHINO Shinichiro
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
AIMI Mitsuru
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Okamoto M
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Okamoto Munehiro
Department Of Laboratory Animal Science School Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Of Agriculture Torrori
Saitoh Yasuhide
Department Of Internal Medicine Kashima Rosai Hospital
Saitoh Yasuhide
Department Of Parasitology Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine Azabu University
HOSHIBA Hidehiro
Daito Bunka University Dai-Ichi High School
AYABE Tokiyo
Dept. Onc. and Pharmacody., Meji Pharma. Univ
HIRAI Yuriko
Prime Res. Ins. Kyoto Univ.
Ayabe Tokiyo
Dept. Onc. And Pharmacody. Meji Pharma. Univ
Ichino Shinichiro
Graduate School Of Asian And African Area Studies Kyoto University
GO Yasuhiro
Department of Biosystems Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai)
Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
GO Yasuhiro
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Aimi Mitsuru
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, State University of New York
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, State University of New York
LEE Norman
Department of Functional Genomics, The Institute for Genomic Research
Department of Microbiology and Tropical Medicine, The George Washington University
Lee Norman
Department Of Functional Genomics The Institute For Genomic Research
Merrick Joseph
Department Of Microbiology And Immunology State University Of New York
Loverde Philip
Department Of Microbiology And Immunology State University Of New York
El-sayed Najib
Department Of Microbiology And Tropical Medicine The George Washington University
Misaka Takumi
Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Abe Keiko
Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Zoological Park Organization
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Hayakawa Takashi
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Hara Toru
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Niigata Sangyou University
Yin Lijie
School of Life Sciences, Peking University
Ishimaru Yoshiro
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Pan Wenshi
School of Life Sciences, Peking University
Sakurai Takanobu
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Hirai Hirohisa
Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
AOKI Yoshiki
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Gifu University
- インドネシア国ジャワおよびスマトラ島産ブユ, Simulium (Simulium) eximium における幼虫の唾腺染色体および姉妹種分化
- Identification of non-taster Japanese macaques for a specific bitter taste
- 1TA3-01 霊長類苦味受容体の多型解析(化学受容,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Phylogenetic relationships of snails of the genera Oncomelania and Tricula inferred from the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene
- Body mass of wild ring-tailed lemurs in Berenty Reserve, Madagascar, with reference to tick infestation : a preliminary analysis
- Preferable Mitogenicity of Beetle Lectin, Allo A, for the Blood Cell Culture of Macaques and Its Influence on Apoptosis
- P-10. The chromosome studies of the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstracts of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- Ticks found among the Wild Ringtailed Lemurs at the Berenty Reserve, Madagascar
- Characterization and evolution of major histocompatibility complex class II genes in the aye-aye, Daubentonia madagascariensis
- Chromosomal localization of 18S rDNA and telomere sequence in the aye-aye, Daubentonia madagascariensis
- Sex chromosome differences among the three races (alpha, beta, gamma) of the snail intermediate host of Schistosoma mekongi, Neotricula aperta
- Chiasma analyses of the parasite flukes, Schistosoma and Paragonimus(Trematoda), by using the chiasma distribution graph
- Evolution and function of heterochromatin (RCRO) in apes(Minireviews with the main theme: "Past, Current and Perspective Studies of the Genome, Chromosomes, and Chromatin")
- Schistosoma mansoni genome project : an update
- Eco-Geographical Diversification of Bitter Taste Receptor Genes (TAS2Rs) among Subspecies of Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).
- Evolution of sex chromosomes ZW of Schistosoma mansoni inferred from chromosome paint and BAC mapping analyses.
- SY-3 Evolution and function of heterochromatin (RCRO) in apes(Symposium: "The past, present and future studies of the Genome, the Chromatin and the Chromosome",Abstracts of the Joint Meeting: the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research a
- In situ hybridization analysis of gibbon chromosomes suggests that amplification of alpha satellite DNA in the telomere region is confined to two of the four genera.
- A novel composite retrotransposon derived from or generated independently of the SVA (SINE/VNTR/Alu) transposon has undergone proliferation in gibbon genomes
- 3PT189 アミノ酸変異による苦味受容体TAS2R16機能の多様化(日本生物物理学会第50回年会(2012年度))