Saino T | Frontier Research Center For Global Change
Saino T
Frontier Research Center For Global Change
柳 哲雄
Saino Toshiro
Institute For Hydrospheric And Atmospheric Sciences Nagoya University
Saino Toshiro
Institute For Hydrospheric And Atmospheric Science Nagoya University
柳 哲雄
九大 応用力学研
Department of Protozoology, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan
Yanagi Tetsuo
Department Of Civil And Ocean Engineering Ehime University
Saitoh S
Graduate School Of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University
SAITOH Sei-ichi
Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University
NORIKI Shinichiro
Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
Saitoh Sei-ichi
Faculty Of Fisheries Hokkaido University
Noriki S
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Yanagi Tetsuo
Department Of Civil & Ocean Engineering Ehime University
Chiba Sanae
Frontier Research Center For Global Change
Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute
Ono T
Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute
Japan Meteorological Agency
Institute for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya University
Midorikawa T
Japan Meteorological Agency Tokyo Jpn
Ishimaru Takashi
Tokyo University of Fisheries
Tadokoro Kazuaki
Frontier Research Center For Global Change
Tadokoro K
Hokkaido National Fisherise Research Institute
Sasaoka Kosei
Faculty Of Fisheries Hokkaido University
Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University
Ishimaru T
Department Of Ocean Sciences Tokyo University Of Fisheries
Ishimaru Takashi
Tokyo Univ. Fisheries Tokyo Jpn
HAGITA Takahide
Department of Civil and Ocean Engineering, Ehime University
Suzuki Koji
Institute For Hydrospheric-atmospheric Sciences Nagoya University
Sasaoka Kousei
Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University
Yanagi T
Kyushu Univ. Kasuga Jpn
Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University
Guo Xinyu
Department Of Civil And Ocean Engineering Ehime University
Ishizaka Joji
National Institute For Resources And Environment
Miyake Hideo
Faculty Of Fisheries Hokkaido University
Yanagi Tetsuo
Resarch Institute For Applied Mechanics Kyushu University
Harada Koh
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial And Technology
Harada Koh
National Institute For Resources And Environment
Narita Hisashi
Graduate School Of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University
Narita Hisashi
Graduate School Of Environmental Earch Science Hokkaido University
Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Research Center, Nagoya University
Saino Toshiro
Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center Nagoya University
Ishizaka Joji
National Institute Of Resources And Environment
Fisheries Oceanographic Division, Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute
NAKAME Yukihiro
Hokkaido Kushiro Fisheries Experimental Station
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
SAINO Toshiro
Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo
NORIKI Sinichiro
Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
Frontier Research Center for Global Change
Graduate School of Environmental Earch Science, Hokkaido University
Graduate School of Environmental Earch Science, Hokkaido University
Inagake Denzo
Fisheries Oceanographic Division Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute
SAINO Toshiro
Instutute for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya University
SHANG Shaoling
Instutute for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya University
MINO Yoshihisa
Instutute for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya University
Instutute for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya University
NOMURA Hideaki
Tokyo University of Fisheries
MASUZAWA Toshiyuki
Instutute for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya University
Shang Shaoling
Instutute For Hydrospheric-atmospheric Sciences Nagoya University
Masuzawa Toshiyuki
Instutute For Hydrospheric-atmospheric Sciences Nagoya University
Mino Yoshihisa
Instutute For Hydrospheric-atmospheric Sciences Nagoya University
Shimizu M
Kyushu Univ. Kasuga Jpn
Hamahara Kazuhiro
Graduate School Of Environmental Earch Science Hokkaido University
Hagita Takahide
Department Of Civil And Ocean Engineering Ehime University
Miyake Hideo
Faculty Of Bioresources Mie University
- Satellite and Ship Observations of Kuroshio Warm-Core Ring 93A off Sanriku, Northwestern North Pacific, in Spring 1997
- Thermohaline Front at the Mouth of Ise Bay
- Transport Mechanism of Suspended Matter above the Shelf Slope at the Mouth of Tokyo Bay
- Interannual variation in Neocalanus biomass in the Oyashio waters of the western North Pacific
- Increased Stratification and Decreased Lower Trophic Level Productivity in the Oyashio Region of the North Pacific : A 30-Year Retrospective Study
- Transportation of Particulate Material through the Mouth of Tokyo Bay to the Open Ocean
- Short Term Variability of Particle Fluxes and Its Relation to Variability in Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll a Field Detected by Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) off Sanriku, Northwestern North Pacific in the Spring of 1997
- Chlorophyll - Specific Absorption Coefficients and Pigments of Phytoplankton off Sanriku, Northwestern North Pacific
- Episodic Outflow of Suspended Sediments from the Kii Channel to the Pacific Ocean in Winter