Tai T | Departments Of Tumor Immunology
Tai Tadashi
Department Of Tumor Immunology And Clinical Genetics Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Medical Science
Tai T
Departments Of Tumor Immunology
TAI Tadashi
Department of Tumor,Immunology and Clinical Genetics,Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
Kawashima Ikuo
Department Of Clinical Genetics The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Medical Science Tokyo Metropolit
Kotani Masaharu
Department Of Clinical Genetics The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Medical Science Tokyo Metropolit
Kotani M
Department Of Tumor Immunology The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Medical Science
KUBO Hideo
Department of Medical Biology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
Kubo H
Departments Of Membrane Biochemistry
Kubo Hideo
Department Of Neurobiology Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Medical Science
Kubo Hideo
Division Of Physiology And Biochemistry Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Medical Science
- Ganglioside GT1b in Rat Brain Binds to p58,a Brain-Specific Sodium-Dependent Inorganic Phosphate Cotransporter:Expression Cloning with a Specific Monoclonal Antibody to Ganglioside GT1b-Binding Protein
- Differential distribution of ganglioside GM1 and sulfatide during the development of Xenoqus
- Evidence for Direct Binding of Intracellularly Distributed Ganglioside GM2 to Isolated Vimentin Intermediate Filaments in Normal and Tay-Sachs Disease Human Fibroblasts
- Expression of Sialylparagloboside in a Case of Liposarcoma: Aberrant Glycosylation in Tumors Arising in Adipose Tissues
- Polysialogangliosides Expressed by Amelanotic Melanoma : A Possible Explanation for the Poor Response to Anti-monosialoganglioside Antibody 202 in a Patient with Melanoma
- Differential Distribution of Glycosphingolipid Antigens in the Central Nervous System (Recent Progresses in Carbohydrate Histochemistry)