Hara Yoshie | Department Of Neurosurgery Hyogo Emergency Medical Center And Kobe Red Cross Hospital
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- 同名の論文著者
- Department Of Neurosurgery Hyogo Emergency Medical Center And Kobe Red Cross Hospitalの論文著者
HARA Yoshie
Department of Neurosurgery, Hyogo Emergency Medical Center and Kobe Red Cross Hospital
Hara Yoshie
Department Of Neurosurgery Hyogo Emergency Medical Center And Kobe Red Cross Hospital
HOSODA Kohkichi
Department of Neurosurgery, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Neurosurgery, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
TAMAKI Norihiko
Department of Neurosurgery, Kobe University School of Medicine
OHTA Kohei
Department of Animal and Marine Bioresources Science, Faculty of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sc
Deparment of Physics,Faculty of Science,Kyoto University
Ohta Kohei
Department Of Neurosurgery Hyogo Emergency Medical Center And Kobe Red Cross Hospital
Kohmura Eiji
Department Of Neurosurgery Kobe University Graduate School Of Medicine
Yamashita Haruo
Department of Neurosurgery, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
- Endovascular Treatment for a Unusually Large Mycotic Aneurysm Manifesting as Intracerebral Hemorrhage : Case Report
- Task-Related Signal Decrease on Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Emergent Surgical Repair for Penetrating Injury of the Cervical Carotid Artery Associated With Shock : Case Report