Uhm Han | Department Of Molecular Science And Technology Ajou University
Uhm Han
Department Of Molecular Science And Technology Ajou University
Department of Physics, Ajou University
Hong Yong
Department Of Biotechnology Pukyong University
Choi Eun
Pdp Research Center Department Of Electrophysics Kwangwoon University
Choi E
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Ofelectrophysics. Kwangwoon University
CHO Guangsup
Charged Particle Beam and Plasma Laboratory, Department of Electrophysics PDP Research Center, Kwang
Choi Eun
Pdp Research Center Kwangwoon University
Cho G
Kwangwoon Univ. Seoul Kor
Uhm H
Kwangwoon Univ. Seoul Kor
Cho Guangsup
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electrophysics-pdp Research Center Kwangwo
Choi E
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electrophysics/pulse Driven Power Research
Kim Jong
Department Of Agricultural Bio-resources National Academy Of Agricultural Science Rural Development
Kim Jong
Department of Molecular Science and Technology, Ajou University, San 5, Wonchon-Dong, Youngtong-Gu, Suwon 443-749, Korea
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Konkuk University Medical School, Konkuk University Chungju Hospital
Cho Guansup
Department of Electrophysics PDP Research Center, Kwangwoon University
Jung Kyu
PDP Research Center, Department of Electrophysics, Kwangwoon University, 447-1 Wolgye-Dong, Nowon-Gu, Seoul 139-701, Korea
Department of Internal Medicine, Cheju National University College of Medicine
Kim Dae-ill
Kwangwoon Univ.
Choi Eun-ha
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electrophysics-pdp Research Center Kwangwo
SEO Yoon-Ho
Charged Particle Beam and Plasma Laboratory, Department of Electrophysics-PDP Research Center, Kwang
Kim Jin-Goo
Charged Particle Beam and Plasma Laboratory, Department of Electrophysics
Kim Young-Guon
Charged Particle Beam and Plasma Laboratory, Department of Electrophysics
Kim Y‐s
Kwangwoon Univ.
Ko Jae-Jun
Kwangwoon Univ.
Lee Chun-Woo
Kwangwoon Univ.
Cho Guangsup
Kwangwoon Univ.
KO Jae-Jun
Charged Particle Beam and Plasma Laboratory, Department of Electrophysics PDP Research Center, Kwang
KIM Dai-Il
Charged Particle Beam and Plasma Laboratory, Department of Electrophysics, PDP Research Center, Kwan
LEE Choon-Woo
Charged Particle Beam and Plasma Laboratory, Department of Electrophysics, PDP Research Center, Kwan
Kim J‐g
Sangju National Univ. Sangju Kor
Choi E
Kwang-woon Univ. Seoul Kor
Choi Eun-ha
Charged Particle Beam & Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electro-physics Kwangwoon University
Choi Eun
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Ofelectrophysics. Kwangwoon University
Cho Guang-sup
Charged Particle Beam & Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electro-physics Kwangwoon University
Seo Y‐h
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electrophysics-pdp Research Center Kwangwo
Seo Y
Charged Particle Beam & Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electro-physics Kwangwoon University
CHO Guansup
Department of Electrophysics/PDP Research Center, Kwangwoon University
School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University
Ko Jae
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electrophysics Kwangwoon University
Seo Yun-ho
Charged Particle Beam & Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electro-physics Kwangwoon University
Choi Eun
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electrophysics/pulse Driven Power Research
Choi Eun
Department Of Electrophysics Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory
Choi Eun-ha
Charged Perticle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electrophysics/pdp Research Center Kwangwo
Department of Toxicology, National Institute of Safety Research, Seoul
Charged Particle Beam and Plasma Laboratory, Department of Electrophysics, Kwangwoon University
KiM Hyun
Charged Particle Beam and Plasma Laboratory, Department of Electrophysics, Kwangwoon University
KIM Young
Charged Particle Beam and Plasma Laboratory, Department of Electrophysics, Kwangwoon University
Charged Particle Beam and Plasma Laboratory, Department of Electrophysics, Kwangwoon University
Seo Yoon-ho
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electrophysics-pdp Research Center Kwangwo
Cho G‐s
Charged Particle Beam & Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electro-physics Kwangwoon University
Cho Gaung-sup
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Loboratory Department Of Electrophysics/pdp Research Center Kwangwo
Uhm Han-sup
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electrophysics-pdp Research Center Kwangwo
Kim Jin-goo
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electrophysics Pdp Research Center Kwangwo
Choi Eun-ha
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Loboratory Department Of Electrophysics/pdp Research Center Kwangwo
Li Zhe-kui
Department Of Physics School Of Science And Engineering Yanbian University
Cho Tae
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Ofelectrophysics. Kwangwoon University
Whang Ki
School Of Electrical Engineering Seoul National University
Kang June
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electrophysics Kwangwoon University
Cho Guangsup
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Ofelectrophysics. Kwangwoon University
Li Shou-zhe
Department Of Molecular Science And Technology Ajou University
Kim S
Pdp Research Center Department Of Electrophysics Kwangwoon University
PDP Research Center, Department of Electrophysics, Kwangwoon University
PDP Research Center, Department of Electrophysics, Kwangwoon University
Choi Bun
Pdp Research Center Department Of Electrophysics Kwangwoon University
Kim Hyun
Charged Particle Beam And Plasma Laboratory Department Of Electrophysics Kwangwoon University
Cho Soon
Department Of Electronic Engineering Tohoku University
Li Zhe-Kui
Department of Physics, School of Science and Engineering, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002, People's Republic of China
Uhm Han
Department of Molecular Science and Technology, Ajou University, San 5, Wonchon-Dong, Youngtong-Gu, Suwon 443-749, Korea
Uhm Han
Department of Molecular Science and Technology, Ajou University, San 5, Woncheon-dong, Youngtong-gu, Suwon 443-749, Korea
Choi Eun
PDP Research Center, Department of Electrophysics, Kwangwoon University, 447-1 Wolgye-Dong, Nowon-Gu, Seoul 139-701, Korea
Hong Yong
Department of Molecular Science and Technology, Ajou University, San 5, Wonchon-Dong, Youngtong-Gu, Suwon 443-749, Korea
Uhm Han
Department of Molecular Science and Technology, Ajou University, Suwon 442-749, Korea
Hong Yongcheol
Applied Technology Research Division, National Fusion Research Institute, 52 Eoun-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-333, Korea
Lho Taihyeop
Applied Technology Research Division, National Fusion Research Institute, 52 Eoun-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-333, Korea
Shin Donghun
Applied Technology Research Division, National Fusion Research Institute, 52 Eoun-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-333, Korea
- Analysis of Striations in a Coplanar Discharge
- Electrical Breakdown Voltage In a Mixed Gas : Nuclear Science, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- Characteristic Properties of Fluorescent Lamps Operated Using Capacitively Coupled Electrodes
- Global Description of the Micro-Discharge System in Connection with the Plasma Display Panel
- ZnO Nanorods Synthesized by Self-Catalytic Method of Metal in Atmospheric Microwave Plasma Torch Flame
- Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Iron Oxide Particles by Microwave Plasma Jet at Atmospheric Pressure
- Removal of Fluorinated Compound Gases by an Enhanced Methane Microwave Plasma Burner
- Influence of Diffusion on Properties of 173 nm Light Emission from Discharge Cells in Plasma Display Panel
- Direct Synthesis and Characterization of CdO Nano-Cubes
- Production of Nanocrystalline TiO2 Powder by a Microwave Plasma-Torch and Its Characterization
- Properties of the Electrical-Discharge Plasma-Density in a High Pressure Gas Mixture
- A Synthesis of Purified Aluminum Fluoride Powder by Atmospheric Microwave-Plasma Torch
- Influence of Gas Pressure on 147 nm Emission Properties of Plasma Display Panel