杉山 清 | Shizuoka College of Pharmacy
小菅 卓夫
横田 正実
小菅 卓夫
Cawthron Institute
小菅 卓夫
Shizuoka College Of Pharmacy
横田 正実
Shizuoka College of Pharmacy
杉山 清
Shizuoka College of Pharmacy
山本 藤輔
Tsumura Juntendo Co., Ltd.
牟礼 孝貴
山沢 裕代
Shizuoka College Of Pharmacy
牟礼 孝貴
Shizuoka College of Pharmacy
横田 正実
斉藤 正志
Shizuoka College of Pharmacy
岩田 百合子
Shizuoka College of Pharmacy
名倉 基雄
Shizuoka College of Pharmacy
山本 藤輔
Tumura Juntendo Co., Ltd.
- Studies on Anticancer Principles in Chinese Medicines. II. Cytotoxic Principles in Biota orientalis (L.) ENDL. and Kaempferia galanga L.
- Studies on Bioactive Substances in Crude Drugs Used for Arthritic Diseases in Traditional Chinese Medicine. III. Isolation and Identification of Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Principles from the Whole Herb of Pyrola rotundifolia L.
- Studies on Bioactive Substances in Crude Drugs Used for Arthritic Diseases in Traditional Chinese Medicine. II. Isolation and Identification of an Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Principle from the Root of Angelica pubescens MAXIM.