Okada Y | National Inst. For Physiological Sci. Okazaki Jpn
Okada Y
National Inst. For Physiological Sci. Okazaki Jpn
Miyata K
Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Ibaraki Jpn
Miyata K
Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Tsukuba City Jpn
Miyata Keiji
Inflammation Research Pharmacology Laboratories Institute For Drug Discovery Research Yamanouchi Pha
Shimizu Takahiro
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Department of Cell Physiology, National Institute for Physiological Sciences
OKADA Yasunobu
Department of Cell Physiology, National Institute for Physiological Sciences
Okada Yohei
Inflammation Research Pharmacology Laboratories Institute For Drug Discovery Research Yamanouchi Pha
YAMADA Tatsuhiko
Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Kissei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,
Shimizu Takahiro
Department Of Cell Physiology National Institute For Physiological Sciences
- Single-Channel Properties of Volume-Sensitive Cl^- Channel in ClC-3-Deficient Cardiomyocytes
- In Vivo Pharmacologic Profile of YM158, a New Dual Antagonist for Leukotriene D_4 and Thromboxane A_2 Receptors
- Effect of YM158, a Dual Lipid Mediator Antagonist, on Immediate and Late Asthmatic Responses, and on Airway Hyper-responsiveness in Guinea Pigs
- Volume Expansion Sensitivity of Swelling-Activated Cl^- Channel in Human Epithelial Cells