Hidaka Y | Nippon Telegraph And Telephone Corp. Ibaraki Jpn
Hidaka Y
Nippon Telegraph And Telephone Corp. Ibaraki Jpn
Hidaka Yoshikazu
Ntt Electrical Communication Laboratories
MURAKAMI Teruyoshi
Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Murakami T
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Department of Physics,Tohoku University
Suzuki M
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Endoh Yasuo
Department Of Chemistry Kyoto University
Yamada Kotaro
Department Of Engineering Hiroshima University
YAMADA Kazuyoshi
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
Yamada Kazuyoshi
Department Of Geriatrics Narita Memorial Hospital
- Neutron Powder Diffraction from Polymorphs of BaPb_Bi_O_3 : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Dynamic Spin Properties of La_Sr_CuO_4
- Spin Correlations in High Temperature Superconductors of "214" Cuprate Oxides : II-C Neutron Scattering, NMR and NQR and Ultrasonics : II Oxide Superconductors; Experiments II : Electronic States
- Space-Group Determination of La_2CuO_ by Conventional and Convergent-Beam Electron Diffraction
- Determination of Space Group and Refinement of Structure Parameters for La_2CuO_ Crystals : Condensed Matter
- Effect of Heat Treatment on the Low-Temperature NQR Spectrum of ^La in Single Crystals and Polycrystals of the Antiferromagnetic La_2CuO_4
- Spin Dynamics on Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnets : High Energy Neutron Inelastic Scattering from La_2CuO_4 and La_2NiO_4
- Large Anisotropy of the Upper Critical Magnetic Field in Single Crystal Bi-(Sr, Ca)-Cu-O : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Anisotropy of the Upper Critical Magnetic Field in Single Crystal YBa_2Cu_3O_
- Anisotropie Properties of Superconducting Single-Crystal (La_Sr_x)_2CuO_4