Kamisago Mitsuhiro | Department Of Pediatrics Nippon Medical School
Department of Pediatrics, Nippon Medical School
Department of Pediatrics, Nippon Medical School
Katsube Yasuhiro
Department ot Pediatrics, Nippon Medical School
Kamisago Mitsuhiro
Department ot Pediatrics, Nippon Mediccl School
Ogawa Shunichi
Department Of Pediatrics Nippon Medical School
Fukazawa Ryuji
Department Of Pediatrics Nippon Medical School
Katsube Yasuhiro
Department Of Pediatrics Nippon Medical School
Kamisago Mitsuhiro
Department Of Pediatrics Nippon Medical School
Katsube Yasuhiro
Department Ot Pediatrics Nippon Medical School
Ikegami Ei
Department Of Pediatrics Nippon Medical School Hospital
- The role of Mac-1 and myeloid-related protein (MRP) for causing vasculitis in Kawasaki disease, and the effects of gamma globulin
- OE-318 Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate 3-Kinase C Polymorphism Associated with Disease Severity and Coronary Artery Lesions in Kawasaki Disease(OE54,Congenital Heart Disease/Kawasaki's Disease (M),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meetin
- OE-414 How TNFα Receptor Polyorphism Affect the State of Kawasaki Disease?(Congenital heart disease/Kawasaki's disease(01)(M),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Fc Gamma IIIa Receptor 158V/F Polymorphism and Kawasaki Disease(Congenital Heart Disease/Kawasaki's Disease 1 (M), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- The Effect of Immunoglobulin Therapy on Human Endothelial Cell in Kawasaki Disease
- Edaravone, a Potent Free Radical Scavenger, Prevents Anthracycline-Induced Myocardial Cell Death
- Coronary Artery Aneurysm Induced by Kawasaki Disease in Children Show Features Typical Senescence
- PE-325 Characteristic Senescence Associated Findings in Coronary Artery Aneurysm in Children with Kawasaki Disease(Atherosclerosis, Clinical 6 (IHD) : PE56)(Poster Session (English))