KUNITOMI Nobuhiko | Department of Physics, Osaka University
Department of Physics, Osaka University
Kunitomi Nobuhiko
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Nakai Yutaka
Department Of Physics Osaka University
Nakai Yutaka
Department Of Animal Microbiology And Parasitology Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
IIDA Satoshi
Department of Physics,Kwansei-Gakuin University
Iida Satoshi
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Matsudo City Hospital
Iida Satoshi
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Chiba University
TSUNODA Yorihiko
Department of Applied Physics, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Kunitomi Nobuhiko
Department Of Physics Osaka University
Tsunoda Yorihiko
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Osaka University
- Magnetic Form Factor of Disordered Antiferromagnetic Alloy AuCr
- Electrical Resistivity of Gold-Chromium Alloys with High Concentration of Chromium
- Anomalous Behavior of Electrical Resistivity in the Alloys with High Conentration of Magnetic Atoms
- High Field Magnetic Susceptibility in Ferromagnetic Co-Mn Alloys
- Magnetic Moments in Fe-Ni Alloys
- Mossbauer Study of ^W on Ni-W Alloys
- Magnetic From Factor of Gold-Chromium Alloys
- Coherent and Incoherent Mossbauer Scattering Observed by Using a Newly Designed γ-Ray Diffractometer
- Neutron Diffraction Study of Chromium-Germanium Alloys
- Neutron Diffraction Study on the Magnetic Phase Diagram of Cr__-Be Alloy