Hata Akira | Department Of Public Health Asahikawa Medical College
HATA Akira
Department of Public Health, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
Haketa Akira
日本大学 医学部内科学系腎臓高血圧内分泌内科
Matsubara Yoichi
東北大学 医学系研究科遺伝病学分野
Hata Akira
千葉大学 医学研究院公衆衛生学
Makita Yoshio
Department Of Pediatrics Asahikawa Medical College
Department of Pediatrics, Asahikawa Medical Collage
Makita Yoshio
Department Of Public Health Asahikawa Medical College
TABARA Yasuharu
Department of Basic Medical Research and Education, Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine
Emi Mitsuru
Department of Molecular Biology, Institute of Gerontology, Nippon Medical School
藤本 征一郎
- Association of SLC6A9 Gene Variants with Human Essential Hypertension
- Association study of the C3 gene with adult and childhood asthma
- No Association of Polymorphisms in the 5' Region of the CD14 Gene and Food Allergy in a Japanese Population
- Identification of Hypertension-Susceptibility Genes and Pathways by a Systemic Multiple Candidate Gene Approach : The Millennium Genome Project for Hypertension
- 4G/5G Variant of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Gene and Severe Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension : Subgroup Analyses of Variants of Angiotensinogen and Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase
- A1166C variant of angiotensin II type 1 receptor gene is associated with severe hypertension in pregnancy independently of T235 variant of angiotensinogen gene
- Haplotype analysis of the human collectin placenta 1 (hCL-P1) gene
- Linkage and association analyses of the osteoprotegerin gene locus with human osteoporosis
- Five familial hypercholesterolemic kindreds in Japan with novel mutations of the LDL receptor gene
- Familial Hypercholesterolemia with Cholesteryl Ester Traansfer Protein Deficiency