石野 正蔵 | Saitama Institute of Public Health
森本 功
石野 正蔵
森本 功
Saitama Institute of Public Health
石野 正蔵
Saitama Institute of Public Health
石野 正蔵
野坂 富雄
Saitama Institute of Public Health
名取 信策
Meiji College of Pharmacy
近藤 英昭
Research Laboratory, Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,
興津 知明
Saitama Institute of Public Health
興津 知明
近藤 英昭
Research Laboratory Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
小山 清隆
Meiji College of Pharmacy
菅原 洋子
Riken(the Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research)
坂口 武一
渡辺 富士雄
Saitama Institute of Public Health
近藤 英昭
Saitama Institute of Public Health
京極 和旭
Research Laboratory, Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
岩崎 仁
RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
坂口 武一
Niigata College of Pharmacy
渡辺 富士雄
京極 和旭
Research Center Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
京極 和旭
Research Laboratory Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
- Mutagenic Principles in Sinomeni Caulis et Rhizoma. II. : The Mutagenicity of Liriodenine in the Basic Fraction of the Methanol Extract
- A Mutagenic New Iridoid in the Water Extract of Catalpae Fructus
- Mutagenic Principles in Sinomeni Caulis et Rhizoma. I. The Structure of a Mutagenic Alkaloid, N-Demethyl-N-formyldehydronuciferine, in the Neutral Fraction of the Methanol Extract(Pharmacognosy,Chemical)
- Protonation Sites of Adenine Derivatives. I. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation of Adenine N-3 Derivatives in Dimethyl Sulfoxide-d_6