Yamada Etsu | Center For Environmental Science Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Yamada Etsu
Center For Environmental Science Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Center for Environmental Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Yamada Etsu
Department Of Chemistry And Material Technology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Fuse Yasuro
Center For Environmental Science Kyoto Institute Of Technology
山田 悦
山田 悦
FUSE Yasuro
Center for Environmental Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Fuse Y
Kyoto Inst. Of Technol. Kyoto Jpn
Furuya You
Department Of Chemistry And Material Technology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
伊永 隆史
公立大学法人首都大学東京 大学院理工学研究科
- Size Distribution and Characteristics of Chemical Components in Ambient Particulate Matter
- Alkali-Decomposition of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) in Mixed Media of Nonaqueous Alcohol and Ether. Study on Recycling of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)
- High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Trace Amounts of Carboxylic Acids in Environmental Water after Preconcentration with a Chemically-Modified Sephadex G10
- Preconcentration of Trace Aluminum from Environmental Water Samples with 5'-Chloro-5-dodecyl-2, 4, 2'-trihydroxyazobenzene Impregnated Macroporous Resin
- Simple Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the Atmosphere Using Passive Samplers
- Behavior of Hydrogen Peroxide in the Atmosphere and Rainwater in Kyoto, and Its Effect on the Oxidation of SO_2 in Rainwater
- Determination and the Behavior of Trace Amounts of Chloride and Bromide Ions in Environmental Waters, such as Rain and River Waters
- Speciation of Aluminum in soil Extracts Using Cation and Anion Exchangers Followed by Flow-Injection System with Fluorescence Detection Using Lumogallion
- Characterization of Protein-like Fluorophores Released from Lake Phytoplankton on the Basis of Fractionation and Electrophoresis
- Biodegradation of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Released from Phytoplankton in Lake Biwa