Iwase Satoshi | 愛知医科大学 医学部生理学第二講座
Iwase Satoshi
愛知医科大学 医学部生理学第二講座
Iwase Satoshi
Iwase S
Department Of Neuroimmunology Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University
Iwase Satoshi
Department Of Autonomic Neuroscience Aichi Medical University
Mano Tadaaki
Mano T
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Mano Tadaaki
Tokai Central Hospital Of The Mutual Aid Association Of Public School Teachers
Iwase Satoshi
Department Of Autonomic And Behavioral Neurosciences Division Of Higher Nervous Control Research Ins
Kamiya Atsunori
National Cardiovascular Center Res. Inst. Osaka Jpn
Kamiya Atsunori
- Effect of Weight Bearing on the Soleus H-reflex During Upright Standing Under the Head-out Water Immersion Condition in Humans
- Effectiveness of Centrifuge-induced Artificial Gravity with Ergometric Exercise as a Countermeasure during Simulated Microgravity Exposure in Humans
- Age-Related Influences of Leg Vein Filling and Emptying on Blood Volume Redistribution and Sympathetic Reflex during Lower Body Negative Pressure in Humans
- Age-Related Changes in Vasomotor Reflex Control of Calf Venous Capacitance Response to Lower Body Negative Pressure in Humans
- Preliminary Measurement of Intraoperative Sympathetic Nerve Activity Using Microneurography and Laser Doppler Flowmetry During Surgical Resection of Suprasellar Tumors
- Microneurographic Analysis of Sympathetic Outflow to the Skin in Patients with Postoperative Hypothalamic Dysfunction after Suprasellar Tumors
- Effects of Graded Load of Artificial Gravity on Cardiovascular Functions in Humans
- [SHORT REPORTS]Effects of Aging on the Arterial Baroreflex Control of Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity in Healthy Subjects
- Increases in muscle sympathetic nerve activity in response to mental stress in humans.
- 〈SHORT REPORTS〉Leg Venous Compliance in Orthostatic Intolerance