Miyata Shusaku | 岐阜大学 病態情報解析医学
Minatoguchi Shinya
岐阜大学 医学部第二内科
Minatoguchi Shinya
岐阜大学 第2内科
Takemura Genzou
岐阜大学 医学系研究科循環病態学
Takemura Genzou
岐阜大学 医学部第二内科
Minatoguchi Shinya
Department Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
藤原 久義
藤原 久義
兵庫県立尼崎病院 循環器内科
Nishigaki Kazuhiko
岐阜大学 医学系研究科循環病態学
Nishigaki Kazuhiro
Department Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Yamaki Takahiko
Department Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Minatoguchi Shinya
岐阜大学 医学系研究科循環病態学
Minatoguchi Shinya
The 2nd Department Of Lnternal Medicine Gifu University School Of Medicine
岡田 正彦
Department Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
岡田 正彦
新潟大学 医学部 検査診断学講座
岡田 正彦
Tabata Y
Department Of Biomaterials Field Of Tissue Engineering Institute For Frontier Medical Sciences Kyoto
岡田 正彦
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Okubo Munenori
Regeneration And Advanced Medical Science Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Yamashita Shuji
Department Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Okubo Munenori
岐阜大学 医学系研究科第二内科
Ushikoshi Hiroaki
Department Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kawamura Itta
Department Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Ishihara Yoshiyuki
Regeneration And Advanced Medical Science Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kubota Tomoki
Regeneration And Advanced Medical Science Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Tanihata Shintaro
Department Of Cardiology Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Ojio Shinsuke
Regeneration And Advanced Medical Science Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Fujiwara Takako
Department Of Food Science Kyoto Women's University
Nishigaki Kazuhiko
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Minatoguchi Shinya
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Fujiwara Hisayoshi
Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki Hospital
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
Yamaki Takahiko
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Kawasaki Masanori
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Ishihara Yoshiyuki
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Takemura Genzou
Department Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Iwasa Masamitsu
Department Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Okubo Munenori
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nagano T
Department Of Cardiology Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Noda Toshiyuki
The Second Department Of Internal Medicine Gifu University School Of Medicine
Kobayashi Hiroyuki
Department Of Pediatric Surgery Juntendo Univ
Kubota Tomoki
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Ojio Shinsuke
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
BAO Narentuoya
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
IWASA Masamitsu
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Sumi Shohei
Department Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Bao Narentuoya
Department Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
KANAMORI Hiromitsu
Division of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Kanamori Hiromitsu
Division Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
SUMI Shohei
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Noda Toshiyuki
岐阜県総合医療センター 循環器内科
Noda Toshiyuki
岐阜大学 第2内科
Okubo Munenori
Regeneration and Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
LI Longhu
Division of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Gotoh K
Division Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Goto Kazuko
岐阜大学 病態情報解析医学
Goto Kazuko
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Gifu University School Of Medicine
Maruyama Rumi
Division Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Maruyama Rumi
岐阜大学 病態情報解析医学
Maruyama Rumi
岐阜大学 医学部第二内科
Li Longhu
Division Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Takemura Genzou
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Tanaka Shinichiro
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Segawa Tomonori
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Noda Toshiyuki
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Watanabe Sachiro
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Kawasaki Masanori
Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Minatoguchi Shinya
Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Saio Masanao
Department of Immunopathology Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Tanaka Shinichiro
Department Of Botany Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Takemura Genzou
Division Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Bao Naren
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Division of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Kawaguchi Tomonori
Division Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hirose Takeshi
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Ono Koji
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Tanaka Ryuhei
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Watanabe Takatomo
Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Abe Shintaro
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Matsuoka Reiko
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Hirose Tomoko
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Katou Takashi
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Warita Shunichiro
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Kojima Tai
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Iwama Makoto
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Takahashi Haruki
Department of Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Takeyama Urara
Regeneration and Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
FUJIWARA Hisayoshi
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
Fujiwara Hisayoshi
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University School of Medicine
Fujiwara Hisayoshi
Department Of Cardiology Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki Hospital
Uno Yoshihiro
Department Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kagawa Tomoyo
Division Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
GOTO Kazuko
Division of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Sano Keiji
Division Of Cardiology Takayama Red Cross Hospital
Tanaka Ryuhei
Department Of Cardiology Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Takeyama Urara
Regeneration And Advanced Medical Science Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Division of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Tsujimoto Akiko
Division Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
tabata yasuhiko
Department of Biomaterials, Institute for Frontier Medical Science, Kyoto university
Aoyama Takuma
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Okubo Munenori
Division of Cardiology, Takayama Red Cross Hospital
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
TANAKA Shinichiro
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Yasuda Shinji
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
TANAKA Tsutomu
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
Uno Yoshihiro
Department of Cardiology, Regeneration Medicine and Bioethics, Gifu University Graduate School of Me
Division of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Division of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Ohashi Hiroshige
Division Of Nephrology Gifu Prefectural Gifu Hospital
Ohashi Hiroshige
Ohashi Hiroshige
Ibi Kosei Hospital
Minagawa Taro
Gifu Cardiovascular Institution
Minagawa Taro
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Gifu University School Of Medicine
FUJIWARA Hisayoshi
Division of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Nakagawa Munehiro
The Second Department Of Internal Medicine Gifu University School Of Medicine
Nakagawa Munehiro
Division Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Department of Public Health, Fujita Health University School of Health Sciences
Kawaguchi Tomonori
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Yokoyama Chiharu
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Yoshizane Takashi
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Nawa Takahide
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Takeyama Toshiaki
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Tsugita Natsumi
Division of Cardiology, Takayama Red Cross Hospital
Suzuki Koji
Division of Cardiology, Takayama Red Cross Hospital
Horibe Eishun
Division of Cardiology, Takayama Red Cross Hospital
Takemura Genzo
Regeneration and Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
OJIO Shinsuke
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
OKUBO Munenori
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
YAMAKI Takahiko
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
ISHIHARA Yoshiyuki
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Tanaka Shinichiro
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Takami Tsuyoshi
Department of Immunopathology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Fujiwara Hisayoshi
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Misao Yu
Department of Cardiology, Regeneration Medicine and Bioethics, Gifu University Graduate School of Me
Mori Urara
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science Graduate School Of Medicine Gifu University
Yamada Yoshihisa
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Fujiwara Takako
Kyoto Women's University
Kawamura Itta
Divisions Of Cardiology International Medical Center Of Japan
Misao Yu
Department Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hiei Kunihiko
Ibi Kosei Hospital
Division of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Division of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Sawamura Tatsuya
Department of Bioscience, National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Ohkubo Munenori
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Yokoyama Chiharu
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Takemura Genzaou
Regeneration and Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Kubota Tomoki
Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Mori Urara
Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Ishihara Yoshiyuki
Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Okubo Munenori
Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Yamaki Takahiko
Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Ojio Shinsuke
Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Aoyama Takuma
Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Takemura Genzou
Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Nishigaki Kazuhiko
Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Mori Urara
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Graduate School of Medicine Gifu University
ABE Hirohiko
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
OHASHI Hiroshige
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
MURATA Ichijiro
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
OKUMA Toshio
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
TAKAYA Tadatake
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
NAGANO Toshihiko
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
HIEI Kunihiko
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
Sumi Shohei
Regeneration and Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Iwasa Masamitsu
Regeneration and Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Arai Masazumi
Department of Cardiology, Regeneration Medicine and Bioethics, Gifu University Graduate School of Me
Mori Takeyama
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Gifu University
Kawmura Itta
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Kobayashi Hiroyuki
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Bao Naren
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Ushikoshi Hiroaki
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Uno Yoshihiro
Regeneration & Advanced Medical Science, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
two ya
Department of Cardiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Arai Masazumi
Department Of Cardiology Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Abe Hirohiko
羽島市民病院 心臓病
Abe Hirohiko
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Hashima City Hospital
Okuma Toshio
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Gifu University School Of Medicine
- PJ-807 Color-coded Maps of Multi-detector Row Computed Tomography for Tissue Characterization of Coronary Arteries(PJ135,CT/MRI (Coronary/Vascular) 2 (I),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-354 Validation of Speckle Tracking Imaging in Measurement of Left Atrial and Left Atrial Appendage Function Using Transthoracic and Transesophageal Echocardiography(PJ060,Echo/Doppler (New Technology) 4 (I),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Sci
- PJ-211 Left Atrial Appendage Function and Left Atrial Function by Velocity Vector Imaging as New Predictor for Thrombus in Atrial Fibrillation(PJ036,Echo/Doppler (New Technology) 3 (I),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Ja
- OE-335 Impact of Tissue Characteristics of Coronary Plaque on Distal Embolization after Stent Deployment Evaluated by Integrated Backscatter Intravascular Ultrasound (IB-IVUS)(OE57,Intravascular Imagings (I),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Sci
- OE-334 Longitudinal Distribution of Lipid Pools in Coronary Plaques Evaluated by Three-dimensional Integrated Backscatter Intravascular Ultrasound (3D IB-IVUS)(OE57,Intravascular Imagings (I),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting
- Simvastatin reduces myocardial infarct size via increased nitric oxide production in normocholesterolemic rabbits
- Transcatheter embolization by autologous blood clot is useful management for small side branch perforation due to percutaneous coronary intervention guide wire
- Tissue Characterization of Coronary Plaques : Comparison of Integrated Backscatter Intravascular Ultrasound With Virtual Histology Intravascular Ultrasound
- Can negative cardiac effect of proton pump inhibitor and high-dose H2-blocker have clinical influence on patients with stable angina?
- Conservative Medication Follow-up for Over 20 Years of a Patient With Ischemic Heart Disease After Diagnosis of Chronic Total Occlusion of the 3 Main Coronary Arteries
- PJ-487 Evaluation of the Left Atrial Myocardium using Integrated Bachscatter Transesophageal Echocardiography(Echo/Doppler(15)(I),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Renoprotective Effect of the Addition of Losartan to Ongoing Treatment with an Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor in Type-2 Diabetic Patients with Nephropathy
- PJ-163 Oxytocin Treatment after Myocardial Infarction Promotes Cardiac Repair and Neovascularization through Activation of Multiple Pro-survival Signals(PJ028,Cardiovascular Pharmacology (Basic), Cost-health care system/DPC/Laws (H),Poster Session (Japane
- FRS-043 Voglibose Reduces Myocardial Infarct Size via Stimulation of GLP-1 Receptors and PI3 kinase-Akt-eNOS Pathway in Rabbits(FRS9,Novel Mechanisms of Myocardial Ischemia (IHD),Featured Research Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of Th
- PJ-723 The Anti-Diabetic Drug Voglibose Reduces Myocardial Infarct Size and Improves Left Ventricular Function via Production of Glucagon-like Peptide-1 in Rabbits(Myocardial ischemia / reperfusion, basic / clinical(04)(IHD),Poster Session(Japanese),The 7
- PE-228 Migritol Improve Myocardial Ischemia in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Coronary Artery Disease(Nuclear cardiology(04)(I),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-184 The anti-Diabetic Drug Pioglitazone Reduces Myocardial Infarct Size by Stimulating PPARγ, PI3K and Akt in Rabbits Model of Myocardial Infarction(Myocardial ischemia / reperfusion, basic / clinical(02)(IHD),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 72nd Annu
- OE-182 Oxytocin reduces myocardial infarct size and improves left ventricular function and remodeling through activation of Akt, VEGF, BCI-2 and Angiogenesis(Growth factor/Cytokine(01)(H),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of th
- OE-070 Post-Infarct Treatment with an Erythropoietin-Gelatin Hydrogel Patchlmproves Cardiac Function by Activating Prosurvival Signaling and exerting Antifibrotic and Angiogenic Effects(Genetics/Genetically engineered models/Gene therapy(M),Oral Presentat
- PJ-714 Relationship between Coronary Artery Distensibility and Tissue Characteristics Evaluated by Three-dimensional Integrated Backscatter Intravascular Ultrasound (3D IB-IVUS)(Intravascular endoscopy / Intravascular ultrasound(07)(I),Poster Session(Japa
- PE-439 Tissue Characteristics at the Sites of Backward Attenuation of Ultrasound Signals Evaluated by Integrated Backscatter Intravascular Ultrasound(Intravascular endoscopy/Intravascular ultrasound(04)(I),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientifi
- Unique mode of cell death in freshly isolated adult rat ventricular cardiomyocytes exposed to hydrogen peroxide
- PJ-137 Critical Role of Autophagy in Prevention of Acute Myocardial Infarct Expansion(PJ023,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Pathophysiology/Treatment/Basic) (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-048 Erythropoietin Receptor Signaling Promotes Neointimal Hyperplasia in the Balloon-Injured Rat Carotid Artery(PJ008,Peripheral Circulation/Vascular Disease (Therapy) 1 (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese C
- PE-187 Sustained Release of Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Using Biodegradable Gelatin Hydrogel Improves Limb Ischemia(PE032,Peripheral Circulation/Vascular Disease (Pathophysiology, Basic) (H),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Me
- OE-311 Miglitol, an Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitor, Improves Myocardial Ischemia in Diabetic Patients with Coronary Artery Disease(OE53,Nuclear Cardiology (Coronary, Myocardium) 2 (I),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japa
- 3 Morphological Characterization and Functional Significance of Starvation-induced Autophagy in Cardiac Myocytes(Cardiomyocyte Death and Cardiac Remodeling,Symposium 9 (SY-09) (M),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-117 Sustained Release of Erythropoietin Using Biodegradable Gelatin Hydrogel Persistently Improves Lower Leg Ischemia without Evoking Polycytemia(Peripheral circulation/Vascular disease(03)(H),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting
- OJ-106 Morphological Characterization of Basal and Starvation-induced Autophagy in Isolated Adult Rat Cardiomyocytes(Cell death, apoptosis/necrosis(M),Oral Presentation(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- FRS-010 Critical Functional Significance and Morphological Characterization of Basal and Starvation-Induced Autophagy in the Adult Heart(Novel Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Heart Failure(M),Featured Research Session,The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting o
- OE-204 Total Spasm Provoked by Ergonovine is an Important Prognostic Factor on Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Vasospastic Angina(Coronary circulation, basic/clinical(01)(IHD),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Jap
- OE-025 Benidipine Significantly Prevented Cardiovascular Events Compared to Diltiazem in Patients With Vasospastic Angina(Cardiovascular pharmacology, basic/clinical(01)(H),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circ
- PJ-325 Potentiated Angiogenetic Effects of LOX-1 via Induction of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Ischemic Leg(PJ055,Peripheral Circulation/Vascular Disease (Pathophysiology, Basic) 2 (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting
- 2 A low dose but long duration post-myocardial infarction treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor shows a beneficial effect without any complications(Plenary Session 2 (PL-2) (IHD) Myocardial Protection Strategy after Reperfusion Therapy in A
- Relationship Between Functional Exercise Capacity and Functional Stenosis in Patients With Stable Angina and Intermediate Coronary Stenosis
- Dual blockade of the rennin-angiotensin system versus maximal recommended dose of angiotensin II receptor blockade in chronic glomerulonephritis
- Candesartan Decreases Carotid Intima-Media Thickness by Enhancing Nitric Oxide and Decreasing Oxidative Stress in Patients with Hypertension
- Relation between functional stenosis and tissue characterization of intermediate coronary plaques in patients with stable coronary heart disease
- Tissue Characterization of Coronary Plaques and Assessment of Thickness of Fibrous Cap Using Integrated Backscatter Intravascular Ultrasound : Comparison With Histology and Optical Coherence Tomography
- Open-label, Randomized Crossover Study Between Telmisartan and Valsartan on Improving Insulin Resistance and Adipocytokines in Nondiabetic Patients with Mild Hypertension