Migita Kiyoshi | 国立病院機構長崎医療センター
Migita Kiyoshi
Migita Kiyoshi
Clinical Research Center National Hospital Organization (nho) Nagasaki Medical Center
Komori Atsumasa
Clinical Research Center National Hospital Organization (nho) Nagasaki Medical Center
Yatsuhashi Hiroshi
国立病院機構長崎医療センター 呼吸器科
Ida H
First Department Of Internal Medicine Nagasaki University Hospital Of Medicine And Dentistry Graduat
Nakamuta Makoto
九州大学 医学系学府病態制御内科学
Nakamuta M
The Department Of Medicine And Bioregulatory Science Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu Univ
Nakamuta Makoto
九州大学 医学研究院病態制御内科学分野
Makita Naomasa
Department Of Gastroenterology National Hospital Organization Kyushu Medical Center
Nakashima M
鳥取大学 医学系研究科遺伝子医療学
- Analysis of HLA-DRB1 polymorphisms in Japanese patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) : The HLA-DRB1 polymorphism determines the relative risk of antinuclear antibodies for disease progression in PBC
- A Case of Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor-Producing Hepatocellular Carcinoma Confirmed by Immunohistochemistry
- Human intrahepatic biliary epithelial cell as possible modulator of hepatic regeneration : Potential role of biliary epithelial cell for hepatic remodeling in vivo
- Predictive role of anti-gp210 and anticentromere antibodies in long-term outcome of primary biliary cirrhosis
- Evaluation of risk factors for the development of cirrhosis in autoimmune hepatitis : Japanese NHO-AIH prospective study
- Alpha-fetoprotein above normal levels as a risk factor for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients infected with hepatitis C virus
- A case of lupus-associated pancreatitis with ruptured pseudoaneurysms
- Genetic polymorphisms in CTLA4 and SLC4A2 are differentially associated with the pathogenesis of primary biliary cirrhosis in Japanese patients
- Leukocytapheresis (LCAP) for treating refractory adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD)