Kamei S | Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Kamei Shigeru
Kamei S
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Kamei Shigeru
Iwate Univ. Morioka Jpn
Alam Shah
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Alam Shah
Alam S
Kawai Shigenao
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Kamei Shigeru
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Akiha Fumihito
Laboratory Of Radio Isotope Iwate University
Ladouceur Antoine
Iwate Univ. Morioka Jpn
- 20-13 Effect of application of peridotite and super phosphate on the growth of sorghum grown on acidic soil
- Concentrations of Iron and Phytosiderophores in Xylem Sap of Iron-Deficient Barley Plants
- Effect of low phosphorus and iron-deficient conditions on phytosiderophore release and mineral nutrition in barley(Plant Nutrition)
- Diurnal Variations in Absorption and Translocation of a Ferrated Phytosiderophore in Barley as Affected by Iron Deficiency(Plant Nutrition)
- 9-27 Mechanism of potassium alleviation of manganese phytotoxicity in barley
- Mechanism of Potassium Alleviation of Manganese Phytotoxicity in Barley Evaluated by Short-Term Absorption of Manganese-54 and Iron-59
- Mechanism of Potassium Alleviation of Manganese Phytotoxicity in Barley Evaluated by Short-Term Absorption of Manganese-54 and Iron-59 (Plant Nutrition)
- Alleviation of Manganese Toxicity and Manganese-Induced Iron Deficiency in Barley by Additional Potassium Supply in Nutrient Solution
- Effect of Iron Deficiency on the Chemical Composition of the Xylem Sap of Barley
- Metal Micronutrients in Xylem Sap, of Iron-Deficient Barley as Affected by Plant-Borne, Microbial, and Synthetic Metal Chelators